Ancil File Details

Filename: batch_911_a16z_ice.gz
Create time: 2021-06-18 11:54:34
Created by: Matthias Aengenheyster
Ancil type: seaice
Domain: N144 single level
Description: Sea ice diagnosed from the atm+Slab HadSM4 ensemble run batch_911 (2013/14 winter with ECCO-perturbed heat convergence calibrated with OSTIA). 2013-10-01 - 2014-04-01
Start date: 2013-10-01
End date: 2014-04-01
Data frequency: 5 Daily
Batches used: 915
Scenario: Historical
Periodic: 0
Status: 0
Replaced by:
Archive location:

Note Status values: 0=valid, 1=replaced, 2=replaced and deprecated, 3=deleted completely, 4=archived/ not available