Ancil File Details

Filename: ozone_cmip6hist-ssp245_N96_1979_2031.gz
Create time: 2023-12-15 13:51:12
Created by: Donghyun Lee
Ancil type: ozone
Domain: atmos N96 L19
Description: CMIP6 input4MIPs historical & ssp2-4.5
Start date: 1979-01-16
End date: 2031-12-16
Data frequency: Monthly
Batches used: d622, d623, d624, 1001, 1004, d628, 1006, 1007, d632, d633, d634, 1011, 1013, 1014, 1015, d642, d647, d648, d649, 1021, 1024
Scenario: historical and ssp245
Periodic: 0
Status: 0
Replaced by:
Archive location:

Note Status values: 0=valid, 1=replaced, 2=replaced and deprecated, 3=deleted completely, 4=archived/ not available