Ancil File Details

Filename: ozone_rcp26_N96_2089_2100v2.gz
Create time: 2016-04-01 16:25:02
Created by: Neil Massey
Ancil type: ozone
Domain: atmos N96 L19
Description: RCP2.6 ozone files. Original files from Simon Tucker at the Met Office.
Start date: 2018-01-01
End date: 2100-12-30
Data frequency: Monthly
Batches used: 484, d485, d486, d487, d494, d498, d499, d500, d514, 431, 432, d530, d533, 439, d539, 450, d617, d618, d619, 491, d632, d694, 586, 604, 605, 606, 607, 625, 626, 634, 635, 636, 637, 639, 640, 647, 648, 652, 653, 672, 673, 675, 676, d201, d202, 850, 851, 870, 871, 890, 893, 894, 912, 913, 917, 918, 995, 1019
Scenario: RCP2.6
Periodic: 0
Status: 0
Replaced by:
Archive location:

Note Status values: 0=valid, 1=replaced, 2=replaced and deprecated, 3=deleted completely, 4=archived/ not available