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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Skiach ("I'm 48 years of age and am a Head Teacher of Science in a government school in Sydney...")
GeoffD ("I am a retired electronics engineer with a strong interest in the natural sciences,...")
Carol ("I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I work as a Therapist and I am concerned about...")
Moby ("Hello, Moby here in the Northern Territory in Australia. 34 y.o migrant from Scotland, 3...")
Badwolf ("Perth, Australia.")
purplemkayel ("One Australian, needs help... three cats, house is choking on fur balls, we\'ve lost...")
aquatrek ("Hi - my name is Steve, a 60yr olde Oz from Wollongong, currently studying Science -...")
Tony ("I live in Perth Western Australia. I believe that climate should be everybody's concern.")
Mark Duffett

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