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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

clownius ("Im a 25 year old male. I live in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. I work for Citysnail...")
Latoof ("Located in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbounre In Australia. I am 41 years old,...")
mgpower0 ("34 Queensland Australia, crunching for BOINC@AUSTRALIA. motor mechanic by trade")
Ross Wilmoth ("Forty year old Melburnian who is very concerned with climate change.")
Frank (" I want to do something to help with the science of climate models.")
PeterB666 ("Hi I am an IT consultant from Sydney and write IT Software manuals for end-users. I...")
Paul Davison ("Simply This is why")
PC Pete ("I\'m a 45-year-old kid who\'s lived with computers all my life. So I don\'t actually have a...")
ssar ("Beer, Jack Daniels\', Snow Skiing.")
Craig Marsh ("I work on a station in the rivarina,NSW Australia stumbled across Boinc by accident thought...")

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