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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Adrian Rawlings ("I\'m really just your regular guy next door - get up, go to work, come home again and then...")
peter ("I\'m a software developer based in Melbourne, Australia, concerned about climate change and...")
LoriEllen and Dirk ("Hello from down-under Brisbane Australia. Yup, you guessed it. A middle aged man with more...")
blackheeler ("BOINCing on the west coast of Australia! Go the Sainters :)")
Cruncher Pete [Team Musketeers] ("I am the founding member of Aussie Alliance Team and as such I am forever looking for new...")
pete (" I\'m from Adelaide, South Australia. ")
jacob ("Hi From Brisbane Oz. More when I meet some folks I know in Brissie doing this too!")
Rogee ("Tog|Roger_That 40 yo as of 2007 Plays ET, ET:QW and pocket billards System engineering...")
Boo ("Hello, I like reading stuff, particularly science topics, but anything about how things...")
samuelmay ("Electrical Engineering student who does as little actual electrical engineering as...")

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