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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

[SP] Herman Maes (".")
Christophe De Kimpe
Masterke ("Master = computerfreak..")
Timmy ("Proud member of")
at0m (":)")
Staf Stoker ("Ik ben Staf Stoker en woon in Itegem (Belgie). Ben 57 jaar "jong" en moet nog tot 19...")
SimonGoffin81 ("I'm 25 and I live in Belgium. I'm a music composer : http://simongoffin/")
nijntje ("I'm a teacher and ICT-coördinator in a secondary school. In my free time I make websites,...")
[BMF] kdr_98 ("I\'m from Belgium, and I\'m into distributed computing since 2002. First I crunched for...")

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