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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

DougRH ("Hi, I’m a 52 male in Edmonton, AlBerta, CAnada: MulitDisciplinarian. Glad to be able...")
Gavin Nalepka ("I like doggies and peaches")
louise ("I'm a computer scientist and a teacher")
Washedbut Unclean ("Geologist, mostly northern Québec ("enough with the black flies damn it!!) Now mostly in...")
mellenger ("I got awards at Army. The Seal is for marksmanship, and the Gorilla is for sandracing.")
Steve Williams ("NAME? Dohhh!!!... Oh yeah ask me a difficult one why don't you. PASS! ...")
ehmax ("I'm ehMax, the Mayor of a little community called Thought I'd put some of my CPU...")
nicolethegeek ("Hi, my name is Nicole Rodgers and I am a happily married, 30-something, mother of seven. I...")

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