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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

PhilippeCM ("I am a proud member of the very best team... Boinc Synergy!")
dkachuik ("I am a systems Analyst in London. Ontario, Canada that is. The hobby is this computer...")
KWSN Sir Arthur Pewtey ("Hello - I live in Winnipeg, My real name is Phillip Holbrook. I wrote this is 2004 and had...")
Recovery1 ("I am a resident of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I run a small film company and the...")
Steve Cressman ("Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies! No trees were killed in the creation...")
Pierre A Renaud ("I'm a canadian carbon-based bipedal mammal concerned about the human civilization impacts...")
Alex ("")
CaptainLamprey ("Hello there! I'm this guy from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I play drums in a band...")
Henri Allaire ("Retraité, membre du club informatique les Amis du Compatible passe temps, photo, voyage.")
vErtices ("M.Eng Aerospace / student pilot Home BOINCer is a a quad-core (Q6600 2.4GHz) mildy...")

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