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Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Robert Duchene ("Toronto, 42 yrs, computer software sales (ERP)")
Bronock ("Bruno, 33 ans, domicilié à Lachenaie (banlieue de Montréal, Québec). Étudiant au Bacc. en...")
DancesWithWords ("I'm just a guy fascinated with what is outside my door. Sometimes it is what is growing on...")
DancesWithWords ("I'm just a guy fascinated with what is outside my door. Sometimes it is what is growing on...")
Laplix ("== A == A bit of a computer geek... started on an apple ][+ system back in the low '80...")
Bruce Robertson ("the grumpy old tech from Northern Lights School Division 113. Works in northern...")
kevin pearson ("Im kevin Pearson, i leave in Longueuil, South shore of montreal in Canada(Québec...")
Dave Irwin
Adam Ripley ("Hi! My name is Adam Ripley. I live in Chatham, Ontario Canada.")

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