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Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Mike Gifford ("Car free computer guy. Started")
Bob Kenyon ("I'm the publisher of the Western Canadian Online Outdoors News, a website about outdoors...")
Dave Park ("Electrical Engineer Trained in UK - now live in Canada ")
g44r4 ("Hello All! I am a 20 year old Student at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec....")
IcyMegaFauna ("Mech. Designer Barrie, Ontario Bookmarks here: [Pic...")
Shanny_B ("My name is Shannon and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada I'm a third year biology student at...")
Julien F. ("Hi, Im a student in Animation in Quebec, Canada. I have a lot of interest in science. I...")
Zantafio ("24 years old Material resources analyst for a government agency I'm worried about the...")
Jeffrey Lee Saunders ("Hello Thank You for having me paricipate in your study.Im from Dundas Ontario,Canada,48...")
Mishkin Berteig ("I am an Agility Consultant specializing in Agile management for IT. I live in the Toronto...")

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