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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Ivan McIntosh ("I am a retired environmental engineer living in Ontario, Canada. Recently moved from...")
Randy Mennie ("I am a videographer and student in Vancouver, Canada. ")
Terry Jewell ("I am just a man who believes that Mother Earth gives us back in some form or another,...")
BirdBrain ("I live in Toronto, Canada. I took a course on Global Warming and another on Climatology...")
Wizbone ("I like the Earth.")
Normand Lamothe ("J'ai présentement 40 ans. Je travaille en informatique, programmeur. En participant à ce...")
Jennifer Sonser ("Jennifer Sonser 17 Years old Student Grade 11 Hobbies: Science, Biology, Music....")
Brian Booth ("I live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I have been interested in computers...")
Raman ("Lets see, I like science and I have helped out with many projects before and when I found...")
Jimmie ("I am a 59 year old semi-retired man living in Thunder Bay ON, Canada. My hobbies include...")

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