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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Leif Øland ("Comming later")
Aser ("From Denmark - born 1958 - work as dispatcher - motorbikes Honda NTV/Honda Pan European -...")
Anders Svejgård ("I work with IT")
Rune Magnussen ("I was born in 1975 now I and work as a programmer. My first encounter with distributed...")
Peter Garbæk ("Just another tech freak, running Boinc 24/7 at home and at work, on our network, currently...")
Art ("Live in Copenhagen, Denmark 54 yrs ")
Erik Thau-Knudsen ("Hi, I am Erik Thau-Knudsen, citizen of Denmark I started up my BOINC project with a...")
Spaceduck ("Im from DK ")
Leif Chr. Andresen ("I am 42 years old (born 1963) and live i Denmark, the city of Sonderborg, close to the...")

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