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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

[AF>EDLS>Biomed] Hubert Reeves ("I\'m 27 years old. I play tennis and ping pong. Visit this website...")
jpriveron ("Retired teacher 62 years old,, learning for anthropology. Hobbies : généalogy, travels,...")
Sauron ("J'ai commencé avec SETI... Alors pourquoi pas aller plus loin ?")
WILANDY ("[pre][b][font=Arial][size=15][u]PC-1 Description[/u][/size] Carte Mere--------MSI "K8N...")
Laurent Wattieaux-Marquet ("Moved to "BBC Climate Change Experiment"")
Vance ("52 yo airline pilot from the UK, but living in France")
JuLieN ("I am a 28 years old french lawyer living in Nantes, on french west coast. My webpage is...")
[AF>EDLS>Physique] Pas93 ("Je m\'appelle pascal, j\'ai 16ans et j\'habite en France plus precisement en Ile de france....")
ALTI-LUDO ("From Gap, Hautes-Alpes / I was born in Gap in 1980. Moutains Alpinisme, Music, Théatre,...")

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