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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

[AF>HFR>BZHWDT] LesTaT ("Hi, 30 years old living in Brittany. Crunching for the World Domination of Brittany...")
eric13700 ("hi all, i'm 36 and i live in france near marseille i practice canyoning so i'm very...")
sebastien peres-labourdette ("Bonjour, je suis né en 1972, j\'ai commencé l\'informatique scientifique en jouant avec...")
Thierry ("J'ai 34 ans, je suis de LONS dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques.Bercé entre la mer et la...")
Philou ("i am fifty years old and i am school teatcher.")
cyril17 ("For a better world...")
Jean Lambert
ARCADE ("visite mon myspace :")
stephane.lauga ("\'4 years old. ASM ( account service manager ) in a SSII in France. Well experienced on...")
[AF>XTBA>XTC] Robrouge ("Hello! I am a french boinc user since 2006 for L\'Alliance Francophone team. I donate the...")

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