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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

miloune ("Franck 37 ans de vie sur notre terre. :)")
Christophe ("Prof de mécanique. Parce que les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières.")
[AF>France>Ouest>Poitou-Charentes] guillaumeb86 ("Hello! Je suis étudiant en sciences économiques. Comme il n\'y a pas de projet sur...")
[AF>HFR>RR] Jim PROFIT ("Knowledge increases when it is shared. Hi! I\'m a cruncher of the...")
[AF>DoJ] supersonic ("Hi, I'm a european 31 yo ex-biologist I like skiing, trekking, bike downhilling !")
zouki ("Je suis informaticien. ")
Greg ("Any little help can make a difference... hence my participation in the project. You can...")

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