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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:19 UTC

Seb40220 ("Hello, I\'m Sébastian. I\'m 35 years old,I leave in France near the spanish border. I...")
[AF>Libristes] nico8313 ("...")
Lefevre j ("Jacques, 60 ans, FRANCE , Région Ile de France Si mon humble contribution peut servir la...")
erik ("I make photos and science interrested. My profile photo shows that the sun is hot and the...")
[AF>france>est>fight]chris39 ("Francophones de tous les continents unissez-vous ! Rejoignez nous...")
Thomas ("Mon numéro de Chemin de vie est le CINQ. Je suis attiré par les sensations fortes et...")
Pierre ("I\'m a student engineer. :)")

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