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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

LadySilver ("[size=15]I\'m a 30-year old woman from southern germany. I started running Distributed...")
Gnathonemus ("- from Germany, Bonn - age 37 - Biologist, PhD - involved in Neuroscience for 8 years...")
Stoapfalzer ("Wenn man schon in Bayrisch-Sibirien wohnt, dann interessiert man sich zwangsläufig für...")
Silversurfer ("Hi, I am from Munich and I´ve heard of Climateprediction from a workmate. Since my PC is...")
CrazyC ("Location: Münster, Germany (51.97°N 7.60°E) Age: 17 years (as of April 2005) Occupation:...")
Cavy Cavies
Beatminister ("I´m a german computer veteran, started with a Sinclair ZX81 - how long would a CPDN run...")
BrainBug ("Bin gerade Student der Elektrotechnik in Hamburg. Das Studium sollte bald zuende sein und...")

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