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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

Lunox ("Hey, I\'m Jan from Münster in Germany. I\'m a 20 year old student.")
sthiesen ("I am a trained astronomer and geographer with a climate and ocean background. Currently I...")
[SG-SPEG]Lajiola ("Germany, NRW; 20 Years; Male [b] Wenn ich bei der Arbeit mit Computern eins gelernt habe,...")
Felix ("I live in Munich/Bavaria/Germany, before in Bristol/UK. Raised in Munich, I left my home...")
youknowwho64 ("Hello, I\'m from Hamburg and a big soccer fan. HSV forever !!!")
Christian ("Hi My name is Christian Brugger-Burg i am 28 Years old. I live in Stuttgart and to...")
p3d-cluster ("[b]Der P3D-Cluster[/b] Ein Projekt der Community von...")
tomteacher ("hallo, ich bin der tom, mein rechner soll nur rechnen...rechnen....rechnen. denn dazu ist...")

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