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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

tullio ("I am a retired theoretical physicist, aged 69, born in Trieste. I have studied both in...")
redsink ("[b]My Name is Stefano Roman.[/b] I was born in Conegliano (TV) - Italy in 1970. I live...")
Eremita ("I\'m an ICU nurse. 36 years old. Happily married with 2 beutiful children. Interested in...")
DPRGI - FabioV ("Hi everybody! I'm italian, 44 y.o., manager, married, no children. I like: european...")
Bruno Moretti IK2WQA ("SETI@home since May 15, 1999. Scientific Director of Accademia dei Criceti, founder of SETI...")
DPRGI - Marzio Nieddu ("Sono Marzio Nieddu del Team DPRGI. Tecnico Informatico da pił di vent'anni. Mi interesso...")
Andrew ("Hi all, i'm Andrea from ITALY")
Paolo Rossetti ("i'm a 23 years old boy and living in cremona (italy). My firts job is selling hardware and...")
graziano ("50 anni, italiano. Spero serva a qualcosa")
Giovanni Papaccio ("Hi, My name's Giovanni, I'm a 24 years old man from Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples),...")

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