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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

Erotavlas [Toscana] ("I\'m from Siena, Italy. I started distributed computing with SETI classic in 2004 and...")
Brunone ("si scaccola per la natura e per le froge dei nostri figli")
Enrico Memo ("I'm 34, I'm a cosultant for P.A., Nonprofit and Health Economics. I'm married with Simona...")
pappacone ("ik")
jcuervo ("...")
Davide ("Electronic Engineer ")
Ivan Jandragan ("Hi. I'm 43 from Italy, employed in the National Health Service. Hobbies: I like skiing,...")
Luciano ("Hello ev'ry body, my name is Luciano, I live in Turin,ITALY where I was born in 1954, I am...")
Fabrz ("I born in 1971 and I'm from Bergamo, little city near Milan, Italy. Interested in...")

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