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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

Gregory ("I am 60 years old. Vietenam Vet, USAF Intel. In Country 69-70. Helped with planning...")
zs%0 ("i study at Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Budapest Budapest University...")
casper ("Hi,My name is JJ Roets and I am from Lydenburg Mpumalanga South Africa.I am 25 years old...")
linux ("SWEDEN USER LINUX001 LINUX & WINXP P3 computer 733 Mhz")
Morpheus ("I am a private individual, with a scientific approach to my environment, and continue to...")
Book Writer ("I am 60 years of age, have (2) two associate degrees, one is technical the other is an arts...")
Arnaud Maillard ("A french musician...")
Christian Dominguez ("well i am very intersted in helping to find climate data that will help our kind in the...")
Mark - personal ("Australian guy in Hong Kong concerned about man\'s impact on the planet.")

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