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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

Lynn ("I\'m from Stevenson, Alabama. I used to be an Air Force Weather Observer and now I am...")
Byron Sprott ("Scouter, Working for Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, NM during the summer. My family uses...")
Owner ("Bland Pugh here. 64 yrs young from Gulf Breeze Florida. Retired, a State Director of MUFON...")
Owner ("Well, I am brock i attend mississippi state university and i am 24, I like to ride...")
Harold ("I\'m 60 years old, I have been working with computers for about 45 years even though it...")
Hurtovenko ("Im 26 Ukrainan. I \'ve all people around the world must be responsible for clamat and...")
Brent Barley ("born in 1982 in Toledo, Ohio PhD student in Geology at Texas A&M...")
Nathan ("My name is Nathan and I\'m 22 Years old, and I just wish to put my computer to some good...")
Robert Nicolas ("Bonjour, j\'ai 16 ans et j\'adore l\'informatique et les mangas. J\'ai créé un site mais...")

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