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Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:20 UTC

pfletche ("Age: 60 Occupation: Economic development & planning Hobbies: Farming, cooking,...")
Nancy (" Born in central Nebraska USA to a Scotch-Irish father and an Italian mother with a...")
Flav ("Student in Physical Oceanography at FSU. Work in Modeling Internal Waves and their...")
Jennifer ("I am from El Dorado, Arkansas, I am retired US Navy Electronics Technician and now work in...")
Jess ("Also a member of Seti@USA. 2x below knee amputee with 3 beautiful daughters. Wanted to...")
Bill ("I\'m a broadcast radio engineer located near Ft. Collins, Colorado. I live on a farm wiith...")
Craigc ("I am a 43 year old native of Omaha, NE. I work as a manufacturers\' representative. I...")
olegich ("I\'m okay")
NSJ ("name Narendra Joshi gendre Male age 51 occupation service...")

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