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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.


Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

Jan Bjork ("My name is Jan Björk, Luthagsesplanaden 13 A, Uppsala, Sweden. Pensioner and glad to join...")
Per Guting ("I'm a student at KTH in Stockholm, SWEDEN. I have two sons and a butiful wife ;-)")
Torgny B ("I and my wife work with natural science. She as a a teacher in natural science at the IB...")
Lunkster ("PhD-student in Uppsala, biologist working with reindeer husbandry. Interests: Golf,...")
Chiana ("44 yr old livin' up'sweden, has cat but no dog, likes science and getting things...")
Johan Bonander ("Four children. Married. Lutheran Priest. 40 years old. ")
Larz B Grönberg ("Grubblande gubbe..")
Alf Olsson

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