SwitzerlandLast updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC
Delia24 ("Hello everybody!
I'm from a town near Zürich in Switzerland. I love nature with all it's...") | |
TomA ("[url=http://www.tom-ackermann.com/]Besuche meine Webseite um mehr über mich herauszufinden...") |
Tsunami | |
Salim ("
I am Nidal Salim, Hydrological Engineer at Geneve University-Switzerland, originally from...") |
Sof ("I'm a jazz singer living in Fribourg Switzerland and active pretty much in all the French...") | |
Nuts the Renegade |
Akita ("Too many things to propperly follow them all.") | |
-=Guelli=- ("I am Swiss - Have you ever been in Switzerland? - It is a must !") |
Saba ("I'm living at Zurich in Switzerland and working as a freelancing software engineer for some...") | |
mcloud.ch ("Interests:
* Computers (oh, really?). It all began with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum...
*...") |
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