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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

United Kingdom

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

Ethan Beck ("Hi Guys, am a 40-something I.T. Consultant with interest in humanity, music the world and...")
Yuri Kassid ("Senior Technician Instructor - Computing Used to do lots of skydiving, ski-ing, sub-aqua...")
grimley59 ("Whittlesea Age 47 Arboricultural Consultant ")
Gandalf the Grey ("Age - I'd rather forget but I still act like a 23 year old. Occupation - number crunching...")
Shelagh Mason ("I'm Shelagh Mason, Sciences Administrator and Health and Safety Advisor at Canterbury...")
Picabrillo ("I am currently working in the Cambridge area as a web developer. I enjoy playing many...")
John Hannon ("Hi, I`m John Hannon. I live in the North East of England, a small town on the River Tyne,...")
Roger Levett ("I'm a consultant on sustainable development policy and management, working for public...")
Robbie Bow ("A naughty boy from a dead end town, hoping to set up the biggest and the best team ever!...")

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