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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

United Kingdom

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

Robert Cook ("I am a retired plant biologist with many years research and consultancy experience of...")
Malc M ("")
Dave Carter ("Another "IT Professional" I'm afraid. Had my heart set on becoming a Medical Physicist but...")
David Murcott ("Middle-aged married male with two teenage sons. Police officer by occupation. I live in a...")
Neil Thayer ("Age 31 IT Software Consultant Concerned about the environment, therefore justifying the...")
Clive Bates ("I'm now a civil servant in the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit. I used to work for...")
Dale Collins ("My name is Dale Collins, I am 45 years old and I am an estate agent based in Gosport...")
Graham Anderson ("I'm an internet geek living in Shepherds Bush. You can find out what music I like by...")
Craig Moir ("I'm at Heriot-Watt uni in the UK and I swapped over to the climateprediction project as I...")
Alex_ ("There are some who call me....... Tim")

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