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United Kingdom

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

arthurm ("Retired - I remember valves and drum memory, core memory and the launch of System 360......")
Robertwh ("OU student")
Frogster ("I'm an IT Business Intelligence Architect in the Telco sector, which means I get to design...")
glenn1cs ("My job is to collect waste paper for recycling, So what better than to recycle wasted CPU...")
William Bailey ("I live in Kent, United Kingdom. Age 40")
Jamesy ("Im an A - Level student from South Wales. Currently I am studying Physics, Computing,...")
RodEllery ("A member of THE UK BOINC TEAM.")
Nutter ("Ugh, hate these things, never know what to say. Ohhh suggestions go on lets answer...")
!!! EMPIRE BLOG !!! ("For those who love cinema - and I mean great presentation, sound, spotless enviroment -...")
Pats ("Our society is courteous and non-violent, nor is there any glorification of conflict. We...")

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