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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

United Kingdom

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

EECO ("EECO is working to develop a range of renewable energy projects: To produce Bio-fuels,...")
Mike ("56yo Male, No formal educational qualifications. Glider pilot for 40 years, currently...")
genie_0044 ("Name:- Jean Age 63 Im from the Isle of Wight UK, in Southern England...... Outgoing...")
Lady Shaz ("Hiya. I,m Shaz...I,m 35 and live in Central Scotland just outside Glasgow.")
Peter Heaney ("Retired schoolteacher - age 70. Concerned about climate change. Would like to do 'my...")
Alistair ("Flimmaker, non political, humanist, spirtualist, vegetarian, earth lover, father, divorcee,...")
Moonbirdflyer ("I am an Alexander Technique teacher and I'm interested in ecology of mind body and...")
The Yetti
Mike Grimmer ("I am 75, a mathematician by training, retired from working as a scientist for British...")
Valerie ("I am a retired Civil Servant with an interest in science having successfully complted a...")

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