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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

United Kingdom

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

UBT - Terry ("Hi I\'m a Boinc addict and crunch 24/7 on quite a few projects and i\'m a proud member of...")
Lamborghini Watch
UBT - The Prof.... ("there! I am a train driver from the English midlands, who runs a crunching project for...")
Tim Milne ("45 year old male working in the UK National Health Service in Gynaecological Oncology....")
Bambi ("Member of The UK BOINC Team. Join us...")
Brad Jackson ("Hello! I\'m a thirty-seven year old Pagan man, very happily married, and living in the...")
Alan Jenney
UBT-Timby ("My name is mark and I live in Somerset which is in the South West of the UK. I have a 4...")
Amaresh ("I\'m a doctor. Looking at the climate variation in the UK in last few years has really...")
Roymondo ("Here, have a song about debauchery. It\'s got a banjo, a big house bass drum and some...")

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