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The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century.

United States

Last updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:21 UTC

RD (" HI- I'm just a retired geezer(74 YO) trying to do something cool and at the same time...")
Vandy Blue Spikes, Ph.D. ("President - Earth Science Agency (ESA) ; Degrees held - B.S., M.S. & Ph.D. in Earth...")
Adalheid ("I am a 32 year old Pagan from Massachusetts. I care deeply about the enviromnent for the...")
Tim Sites ("I live in a rural area south of Houston, Texas. I'm over 50 and am an Engineer,...")
Jens Petersohn ("I am a systems developer/architect for Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) I am a big...")
Raven5655 ("Husband. Father. LAN gamer. Multiplayer host. Cisco Certified Geek. Blogger. Evangelical...")
John Greer ("Owner: [b]Business Continuity[/b] Consulting and Software Development firm [b]Wayne, NJ...")
slc7w ("I am a hydrologist with the USDA Forest Service. I currently reside in Kentucky, US with my...")
Justin Musser ("Vice President - Earth Science Agency, LLC; Executive Director - Environmental Resource Web...")
Emile L. Boulanger IV ("I am a semi-retired IT Professional who has gone from building Hot-Rod PC's to Building...")

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