VenezuelaLast updated 16 Nov 2010 11:10:22 UTC
Kabal ("I'm a Computer Graphics Lecturer/Researcher at Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas....") | |
rnesi ("Im a young man, 29 old years, im from Venezuela. System Engineer, RF Celullar and other...") |
hgr1007 | |
turbogp20 ("Soy un estudiante universitario de Venezuela y me gusta aprender lenguajes de programación...") |
Patrade ("I am a Bussines Administrator of the Catholic University of Venezuela, have 52 year old and...") | |
jscire ("Soy parte del equipo de proyectos de la Direccion Nacional de Proteccion Civil en...") |
Darién Montes Ríos ("I come from Venezuela. I have 42 years old. I´m Architect and Industrial Designer too. I...") | | |
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