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Thread 'Clean up after WU finished problem'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Clean up after WU finished problem
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Message 5084 - Posted: 5 Oct 2004, 20:34:19 UTC

I\'ve recently finished my first WU and the server says there\'s work but I don\'t have enough disk space. The Disk tab shows that is still using 411.27MB of space even though me first WU is done. It seems the software doesn\'t clean up when done.

Is it safe to just go manually delete the leftover files? Will the server give me more work if I do?
I don\'t want to increase the size defined in my configuration for fear that BOINC may send my dual processor system 2 work units...I only want one.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Message 5085 - Posted: 5 Oct 2004, 20:43:18 UTC

If you want to go sure. Detach and then attach to the project. bUt if you do so you have to download the CPDN client once more. But you can also try it manually, but this is risky!

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Message 5090 - Posted: 6 Oct 2004, 1:30:48 UTC

the leftover files are using your box as a storage area you need to keep those files on your HD or burn them to CD, this is so the powers can look at them later.
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ProfileThyme Lawn
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Message 5095 - Posted: 6 Oct 2004, 9:34:31 UTC

Hi apisguy,

Tracing through to the workunit from your stats, you'll find the zipped results stored in the directory boinc/projects/ If you can spare the disk space just moving that directory to somewhere outside the BOINC structure will be enough.

If you don't have the space it's best if you can do a backup of the directory as Pascal suggested. If that's not possible just delete it (and if the project team want to investigate any of the data that isn't returned sometime in the future the model will have to be re-run).
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Message 5492 - Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 19:05:43 UTC - in response to Message 5095.  

Thanks for the suggestions.
After archiving the data files and taking them off-line, I still couldn't get any new work.

A BOINC upgrade to 4.09 has taken care of the problem for now.
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Message 5526 - Posted: 21 Oct 2004, 2:10:24 UTC

I had a crash some time ago, followed by some failed downloads. Now my folder contains some things that I may not need any more. (BOINC is currently crunching 329g_000164340_0). What of the following can I delete?

[folder] 25pi_100121733
[folder] 31vx_000163849
[folder] 31wr_000163879
[folder] 31y6_000163930
[folder] 31yo_000163949
[folder] 31yz_000163960
[folder] 328c_000164300
[folder] 3299_000164333
[folder] 329g_000164340
[file] 329g_000164340.xml
[file] hadsm3_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
[file] hadsm3se_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
[file] hadsm3se_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
[file] hadsm3um_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
[file] hadsm3um_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
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Message 5527 - Posted: 21 Oct 2004, 3:56:26 UTC - in response to Message 5526.  
Last modified: 21 Oct 2004, 3:59:40 UTC

pwillener wrote: "What of the following can I delete?"

'Del' = You can delete these, except that I would retain in a separate archive any model that completed properley..

Del &gt; [folder] 25pi_100121733
Del &gt; [folder] 31vx_000163849
Del &gt; [folder] 31wr_000163879
Del &gt; [folder] 31y6_000163930
Del &gt; [folder] 31yo_000163949
Del &gt; [folder] 31yz_000163960
Del &gt; [folder] 328c_000164300
Del &gt; [folder] 3299_000164333
Keep &gt; [folder] 329g_000164340
Keep &gt; [file] 329g_000164340.xml
Keep &gt; [file]
Keep &gt; [file] hadsm3_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
Keep &gt; [file]
Del &gt; [file] hadsm3se_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
Keep &gt; [file] hadsm3se_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
Keep &gt; [file]
Del &gt; [file] hadsm3um_4.03_windows_intelx86.exe
Keep &gt; [file] hadsm3um_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe
Keep &gt; [file]

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Message 5557 - Posted: 22 Oct 2004, 8:56:51 UTC - in response to Message 5527.  

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Questions and Answers : Windows : Clean up after WU finished problem
