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Thread 'Another on of my computers doing nothing..'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Another on of my computers doing nothing..
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Message 5428 - Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 16:10:36 UTC

Just wrote about one of my computers on my network not performing any work and now I just noticed another one is doing nothing. Application says \" ready to run...Message board states deferring communication for a week. Can you advise me what is going on?
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ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 5431 - Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 16:47:35 UTC

I suspect that it may a communication problem. Have a look at the advice on firewalls and proxies <a href="">here</a>. Then by all means ask again for advice.
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Message 5432 - Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 18:38:49 UTC - in response to Message 5431.  

&gt; I suspect that it may a communication problem. Have a look at the advice on
&gt; firewalls and proxies <a> href=""&gt;here</a>.
&gt; Then by all means ask again for advice.
Seemingly my communicate system is working OK. Some of the messages that came up are 1. Master file fetch failed...2. could read master page...error 1133. can't resolve host name..
However every one of these messages has been seen on my other computers at one time and they are still working. At present this computer will be deferring comunciations for 1 week or according to the message and no work will be done.
Any recommendations?
The other computer not working I will have to wait about 16 hours before communicate takes place. Any ideas?
I have four computers other computers that are working.
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Message 5439 - Posted: 16 Oct 2004, 23:08:06 UTC - in response to Message 5432.  
Last modified: 16 Oct 2004, 23:11:01 UTC

&gt; time and they are still working. At present this computer will be deferring
&gt; comunciations for 1 week or according to the message and no work will be
&gt; done.
&gt; Any recommendations?
&gt; The other computer not working I will have to wait about 16 hours before
&gt; communicate takes place. Any ideas?

While you are troubleshooting the communication problem, why don't you manually update the project (force BOINC to contact the server now) to see what happens (Select Project tab, right click and select Update)? I assume you didn't mean to wait for a week to let BOINC itself to communicate with the server again. Check "" to make sure it still has "" as it's &lt;master_url&gt;. Use reset or detach/attach as last resort.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC=";trans=off"></A>
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Message 5452 - Posted: 17 Oct 2004, 18:44:13 UTC - in response to Message 5439.  

&gt; &gt; time and they are still working. At present this computer will be
&gt; deferring
&gt; &gt; comunciations for 1 week or according to the message and no work will be
&gt; &gt; done.
&gt; &gt; Any recommendations?
&gt; &gt; The other computer not working I will have to wait about 16 hours
&gt; before
&gt; &gt; communicate takes place. Any ideas?
&gt; While you are troubleshooting the communication problem, why don't you
&gt; manually update the project (force BOINC to contact the server now) to see
&gt; what happens (Select Project tab, right click and select
&gt; Update)? I assume you didn't mean to wait for a week to let BOINC itself to
&gt; communicate with the server again. Check ""
&gt; to make sure it still has "" as it's
&gt; . Use reset or detach/attach as last resort.
&gt; <A HREF=""><IMG> SRC=";trans=off"&gt;</A>

Followed your instructions and now the system is back working. Downloading a bunch of stuff. Thanks for your help.
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John McLeod VII

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Message 5480 - Posted: 19 Oct 2004, 13:40:39 UTC

If there is a WU in the state ready to run, and nothing running, that s a bug with the BOINC client. There is one that is known in 4.09 and older that would do this. Try upgrading to 4.13.
<a href=";project=cpdn&amp;userid=13"><img border="0" height="80" src=""></a>
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Questions and Answers : Windows : Another on of my computers doing nothing..
