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Thread 'How can I get my second processor working after crash?'

Questions and Answers : Windows : How can I get my second processor working after crash?
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Message 5597 - Posted: 24 Oct 2004, 7:36:40 UTC

Somehow my dual-processor computer got turned off, wrecking one of the CP models. That model was replaced by a new one when I restarted BOINC. I foolishly tried to do a restore because both models were at 40%. It didn\'t work as I expected. Now one model is at 65%, and the other processor says it is working but it never sends trickles. Meanwhile I am supposed to have a different model running according to my account details, but I overwrote it at the restore. I dare not try update or reset because I am afraid of losing the good model. Please help!
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Message 5626 - Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 9:31:09 UTC

Well, when you complete a WU, the client notifies the server immediately or as soon as it can of the outcome. This almost tends to happen quickly so you can get and start crunching a new WU.
Bad things happen if you restore from a backup when the server has already been notified of the current WU state. Worst case scenario is that the results and trickles get rejected

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Message 5649 - Posted: 25 Oct 2004, 18:15:44 UTC - in response to Message 5626.  

> Well, when you complete a WU, the client notifies the server immediately or as
> soon as it can of the outcome. This almost tends to happen quickly so you can
> get and start crunching a new WU.
> Bad things happen if you restore from a backup when the server has already
> been notified of the current WU state. Worst case scenario is that the results
> and trickles get rejected
Well, yes, bad things have happened and I've learned my lesson!
I didn't think I had completed a wu, you see. It was at 40% and running. It's now marked client error, so I suppose it probably would have been valid if I had not had the machine turned off. :(
Is there anything I can do now to resolve the situation? Both processors are running wus apparently.
What exactly does update do? and what does reset do?
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Questions and Answers : Windows : How can I get my second processor working after crash?
