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Thread 'WUs don\'t seem to be finishing'

Questions and Answers : Windows : WUs don\'t seem to be finishing
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Message 5687 - Posted: 27 Oct 2004, 7:39:10 UTC

I\'ve looked through the first couple of pages of message boards, but nothing seems quite like what I have happening here.
I am running Boinc 4.13, and I often leave it running overnight or when I\'m out during the day, and on two occasions, the computer has frozen while inactive, and I can\'t get it back on again to see if there are any error messages. My screen won\'t come out of standby mode.
Both times, I was up to around 10% on the WU I was processing, but when I reboot, I seem to have a new WU, with a different ID number. I didn\'t see any error or download, as all was running fine when I left my computer, and once it\'s rebooted, it\'s processing a new unit as if nothing had happened.
You might notice this, if you look at the trickles on my account.
Any ideas?
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Message 8120 - Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 9:36:04 UTC

I would just like to say that I also have this problem. I thought it must be a problem with my computer.

Is it Climate Predictor doing this? MY computer freezes overnight and when I return in the morning I actually have to pull the plug on it as my reset button is inoperative. Not sure if this is the software or something more problematic like a hardware issue.

Anyway, I am not sure if the project resets then, but it does reset itself at some stage. Despite having 3000 credits I have never finished a project or got further than 20%.

I would try to run a virus sweep to see if there is something affecting your system - what virus software are you running?


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Message 8127 - Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 10:34:20 UTC - in response to Message 8120.  

I use Panda Antivirus Titanium, which I update regularly and it never found anything.
The last straw came when I'd gotten to about 70% (which took a few months), and it did it again! All that work out the window! I can't see that I'm actually contributing much if I can't even finish a unit, so I've disconnected myself from the project for now - at least until I get a faster processor!

- Serenia
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Message 8130 - Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 12:56:45 UTC

CP is rather sensitive. It was designed for supercomputers and then adapted for PCs, so it quite remarkable that it can be made to run at all. Also the nature of the task being performed where everthing calculated is used and affects everything calculated subsequently makes it more prone to error. It all means that very stable computer are needed to complete models.

If you reached 70% then 2 phases were completed and apparently they can make use of completed phases though full model are better.

If you do experience problems it is possible to keep backups of the BOINC folder then if a problem occurs after the backup is made, you can restore the backup.

You might also want to consider doing some stability tests such as running memtest86, and prime 95 or superPi.
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Message 8185 - Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 22:07:33 UTC - in response to Message 8130.  

Look, that's all very well, but if it is CP then all you will get are people leaving the program.

Right now CP competes with:

1. Seti@home
2. LHC
3. Predictor@home

If CP crashes my computer, then frankly I will drop the project. At the mo, Einstein@home and other projects are competing for CPU time. I do not have the time or patience to worry about an ineffective program.

My message to CP would be, perfect your software or lose your CPU time. If indeed CP does crash my computer, then I will dispense with their software. Simple as that. Too many worthwhile causes could use my CPU time....

> CP is rather sensitive. It was designed for supercomputers and then adapted
> for PCs, so it quite remarkable that it can be made to run at all. Also the
> nature of the task being performed where everthing calculated is used and
> affects everything calculated subsequently makes it more prone to error. It
> all means that very stable computer are needed to complete models.
> If you reached 70% then 2 phases were completed and apparently they can make
> use of completed phases though full model are better.
> If you do experience problems it is possible to keep backups of the BOINC
> folder then if a problem occurs after the backup is made, you can restore the
> backup.
> You might also want to consider doing some stability tests such as running
> memtest86, and prime 95 or superPi.
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Message 8188 - Posted: 30 Jan 2005, 22:36:44 UTC - in response to Message 8185.  

> Look, that's all very well, but if it is CP then all you will get are people
> leaving the program.
> Right now CP competes with:
> 1. Seti@home
> 2. LHC
> 3. Predictor@home
> If CP crashes my computer, then frankly I will drop the project. At the mo,
> Einstein@home and other projects are competing for CPU time. I do not have the
> time or patience to worry about an ineffective program.
> My message to CP would be, perfect your software or lose your CPU time. If
> indeed CP does crash my computer, then I will dispense with their software.
> Simple as that. Too many worthwhile causes could use my CPU time....

One single crash and you would quit the project?

I've had many models fail on me, and they have all been due to hardware problems. I finnaly fixed them and now my PC's are running nice and stable.
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Message 8201 - Posted: 31 Jan 2005, 0:27:08 UTC - in response to Message 8188.  

> One single crash and you would quit the project?
> I've had many models fail on me, and they have all been due to hardware
> problems. I finnaly fixed them and now my PC's are running nice and stable.

I might try rejoining the project when my computer gets upgraded later this year. But I wasn't talking about one crash, it's happened every time for 5 or 6 different units.

- Serenia
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Questions and Answers : Windows : WUs don\'t seem to be finishing
