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Thread 'I have 2 pc\'s and only one trickels, why? How do I get the other to trickel?'

Thread 'I have 2 pc\'s and only one trickels, why? How do I get the other to trickel?'

Questions and Answers : Windows : I have 2 pc\'s and only one trickels, why? How do I get the other to trickel?
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Message 5762 - Posted: 29 Oct 2004, 19:18:42 UTC

2 pc\'s running cp only one trickels. The one that does is a 1.6 ghz p4 running XP 1st trickel 10+ hrs cpu time 2nd 20hrs cpu time , the other is 950 mhz
running ME. any thoughts? 2nd has over 39 hrs cpu time on CP.
ID: 5762 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 5763 - Posted: 29 Oct 2004, 19:56:47 UTC

CPDN trickles every 10802 timesteps. The first thing to do is to find out how far the model has got. To do this you need to open the graphics window [work tab, right click on the CPDN WU]. In the graphics screen you will see an entry showing the timestep reached.

If it has not yet reached timestep 10802 that would explain the lack of a trickle. 950 MHz is at the lower end of capabilities for CPDN, so it will take a fair time. You can help things by not using the graphics except when you are looking at them (not even the screensaver) and not leaving the BOINC window open on the work or disk tabs.

If you have passed the 10802 point, then it could be a communication problem. Look in the FAQ and see if this helps. If not ask again.
ID: 5763 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : I have 2 pc\'s and only one trickels, why? How do I get the other to trickel?
