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Thread 'Quit BOINC, CPN App Still Runs'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Quit BOINC, CPN App Still Runs
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Message 5789 - Posted: 31 Oct 2004, 7:20:51 UTC

When I quit BOINC 4.13, the CPN app still runs, continually using cpu power even though the boinc_gui is exited. I had to use the task manager to exit it and caused a computation error. Because of this I have wasted several WU\'s and I\'ve detached from this project. This doesn\'t happen on any other project. Any solutions?

AMD Athlon XP 1700+ (1.46Ghz)
Windows XP Home SP2
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Message 5791 - Posted: 31 Oct 2004, 9:32:52 UTC


When you quit you need to first suspend then click exit on the boinc File menu or right clicking then system tray. It has been noted by a few others that boinc doesn't handle the exit or windows shutdown commands well.

I usually show the bionc window and do this from the File menu as I've had occasional problems with the system tray icon.

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Message 5817 - Posted: 31 Oct 2004, 20:39:56 UTC - in response to Message 5791.  

&gt; Gamer007:
&gt; When you quit you need to first suspend then click exit on the boinc File menu
&gt; or right clicking then system tray. It has been noted by a few others that
&gt; boinc doesn't handle the exit or windows shutdown commands well.
&gt; I usually show the bionc window and do this from the File menu as I've had
&gt; occasional problems with the system tray icon.
&gt; DaveN

No Good, it stills runs when its suspended. In the task manager, there are two CPN programs, hadsm3_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe &amp; hadsm3um_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe. The um program still runs when its suspended. The other one quits. Any more solutions? I dont want to end it suddenly for a error.
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ID: 5817 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 5822 - Posted: 1 Nov 2004, 1:27:47 UTC - in response to Message 5817.  
Last modified: 1 Nov 2004, 1:28:25 UTC

&gt; &gt; Gamer007:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; When you quit you need to first suspend then click exit on the boinc File
&gt; menu
&gt; &gt; or right clicking then system tray. It has been noted by a few others
&gt; that
&gt; &gt; boinc doesn't handle the exit or windows shutdown commands well.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; I usually show the bionc window and do this from the File menu as I've
&gt; had
&gt; &gt; occasional problems with the system tray icon.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; DaveN
&gt; &gt;
&gt; No Good, it stills runs when its suspended. In the task manager, there are two
&gt; CPN programs, hadsm3_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe &amp;
&gt; hadsm3um_4.04_windows_intelx86.exe. The um program still runs when its
&gt; suspended. The other one quits. Any more solutions? I dont want to end it
&gt; suddenly for a error.
&gt; <a><img src=""></a> <a><img> src=""&gt;</a> <a><img> src=""&gt;</a>

Nevermind, it suspends. Thanks for your help DaveN.
<a><img src=""></a> <a><img src=""></a> <a><img src=""></a>

EDIT: Sorry about this extra post, didnt see the edit button.
ID: 5822 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : Quit BOINC, CPN App Still Runs
