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Thread 'Priority settings really suck...'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Priority settings really suck...
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Message 851 - Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 18:42:05 UTC

I´ve been running before CPDN classic HT on and didnt notice any slow downs or other things(propably the biggest help was HT). But now as I´m running two models in BOINC I´ve noticed a lot serious slowdowns which freeze the computer for several seconds for example when just right clicking the file.
When playing a game it doesnt disturb at all. But when doing fast file browsing and modifying(i do pretty much homepages) it really is visible.
Is there anything you could do to this?

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Message 963 - Posted: 14 Aug 2004, 9:30:47 UTC

Try adjusting your preferences on your account page.

Set it for 1 cpu adjust the other settings as well and then do an 'update'

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Message 981 - Posted: 14 Aug 2004, 16:16:26 UTC

The ability to limit %cpu used & use lower thread-priority is buried in the BOINC taskbase, but problems with seti@home & predictor@home is currently preventing anyone from implementing these.

So for the moment try changing the preferences to 1 cpu at day, and switch back to 2 at night. Remember to hit "update" after each change. ;)
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Message 984 - Posted: 14 Aug 2004, 17:02:54 UTC - in response to Message 981.  

> The ability to limit %cpu used & use lower thread-priority is buried in
> the BOINC taskbase, but problems with seti@home & predictor@home is
> currently preventing anyone from implementing these.
> So for the moment try changing the preferences to 1 cpu at day, and switch
> back to 2 at night. Remember to hit "update" after each change. ;)

Hmm, okay thx both. I´ll just wait until that update comes out.
I´m not that impatient person =)
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Message 988 - Posted: 14 Aug 2004, 18:30:43 UTC - in response to Message 981.  
Last modified: 14 Aug 2004, 18:31:08 UTC

> The ability to limit %cpu used & use lower thread-priority is buried in
> the BOINC taskbase, but problems with seti@home & predictor@home is
> currently preventing anyone from implementing these.
There is but one problem with the setting: The cruncher itself is already set at Low priority in Windows. There is no Idle priority in Windows though, unlike in Linux for instance.

So unless as far as I know, some people over at Microsoft program a Lower than Low/Higher than Idle and Idle option for applications into Windows itself, Idle will always be taken up by the System Idle process, while all apps will start at a minimum of a Low priority.

BOINC itself however starts at Normal priority. You can test if it makes a difference by rightclicking on the BOINC_GUI (??) application and set its priority level down to Low as well. If all is well, both the hadsm3um_4.02_w and hadsm3_4.02_w applications should already be running at Low priority.
If they aren't change them to show like that.

<img src=";trans=off">
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Message 995 - Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 3:58:04 UTC - in response to Message 988.  

&gt; BOINC itself however starts at Normal priority. You can test if it makes a
&gt; difference by rightclicking on the BOINC_GUI (??) application and set its
&gt; priority level down to Low as well. If all is well, both the hadsm3um_4.02_w
&gt; and hadsm3_4.02_w applications should already be running at Low priority.
&gt; If they aren't change them to show like that.
&gt; --------------------
&gt; Jordâ„¢
&gt; <img src=";trans=off">
If you set the GUI priority as low as the app priorities it will freeze (that task only). So just change it to below normal. I ran it like this for a long time and never noticed a difference.
<br>John Keck
BOINCing since 2002/12/08
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Message 1004 - Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 16:06:33 UTC - in response to Message 995.  

&gt; &gt; BOINC itself however starts at Normal priority. You can test if it makes
&gt; a
&gt; &gt; difference by rightclicking on the BOINC_GUI (??) application and set
&gt; its
&gt; &gt; priority level down to Low as well. If all is well, both the
&gt; hadsm3um_4.02_w
&gt; &gt; and hadsm3_4.02_w applications should already be running at Low priority.
&gt; &gt; If they aren't change them to show like that.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; --------------------
&gt; &gt; Jordâ„¢
&gt; &gt; <img> src=";trans=off"&gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; If you set the GUI priority as low as the app priorities it will freeze (that
&gt; task only). So just change it to below normal. I ran it like this for a long
&gt; time and never noticed a difference.
&gt; <br>John Keck
&gt; BOINCing since 2002/12/08
Ok thx guys. Will do it!

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Message 1006 - Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 18:00:07 UTC - in response to Message 988.  
Last modified: 15 Aug 2004, 19:16:36 UTC

&gt; There is but one problem with the setting: The cruncher itself is already set
&gt; at Low priority in Windows. There is no Idle priority in Windows though,
&gt; unlike in Linux for instance.

The TaskManager only shows/changes process-priority, but every process can start multiple threads.
The process-priorities in NT4 is:
low, normal, high, realtime; or 4, 8, 13, 25.
Win2k adds below/above normal at 6 &amp; 10.

&gt; So unless as far as I know, some people over at Microsoft program a Lower than
&gt; Low/Higher than Idle and Idle option for applications into Windows itself,
&gt; Idle will always be taken up by the System Idle process, while all apps will
&gt; start at a minimum of a Low priority.

System idle process is running at priority 0.

Threads is set relative to process-priority, and these are for win2k:
low, below normal, normal, above normal, high, real-time; or
-2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +11

So a process running as normal-class can have a thread started as low, this gives effective priority 6. If you changes the process to "low" by taskmanager or similar, the thread automatically decreases to 2.

Seti@home for BOINC is using thread-priority "low" &amp; process-class "low", so this gives priority 2.
CPDN uses thread-priority "normal" &amp; process-class "low" for hadsm3um_4.02_w and this gives effective priority 4. This is the same as "classic" seti@home, and this is too high for some office-programs and similar.

But there are also a special "idle"-thread-priority, this sets the thread-priority to 1. In distributed computing among others UD with THINK is using this priority, and folding@home has this as default but is configurable to run at priority 1-4.
Some (badly programmed) programs can also rely on idle priority for some things, and of course if DC is using higher priority you've got a problem.

The "idle"-thread-priority doesn't follow the normal rules of being relative to the process-class-priority, and only responds then this is bumped to "real-time", then the effective priority is 16.

&gt; BOINC itself however starts at Normal priority. You can test if it makes a
&gt; difference by rightclicking on the BOINC_GUI (??) application and set its
&gt; priority level down to Low as well. If all is well, both the hadsm3um_4.02_w
&gt; and hadsm3_4.02_w applications should already be running at Low priority.
&gt; If they aren't change them to show like that.

There's no point to change the priority of BOINC itself, since it's the applications like seti@home or CPDN that uses 99%+ of the cpu-power.

And since BOINC starts the applications with process-class-priority "low", the only you can do in TaskManager is to increase the priority, and of course this will only make things worse. ;)

Not being a programmer, don't know if there's an easy compiler-flag or something to say "thread #1" should run as "idle" &amp; "thread #2" should run as "high".
Of course, maybe you'll have to rewrite half the code to change the thread-priority, or the compiler doesn't have this choise at all...
ID: 1006 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : Priority settings really suck...
