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Thread 'How long should one unit take?'

Questions and Answers : Windows : How long should one unit take?
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Message 8894 - Posted: 8 Feb 2005, 7:19:31 UTC

Hi there... I'm running this on a moderately fast machine (XP3200+, 1gb ram, fast drivs etc), and overnight its only given me 2% progress; is this right, or do I have some issue going down here?? When I was doing SETI my old computer (half the speed) was doing WUs in about 2.75 hours.... so this seems real slow to me
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Les Bayliss
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Message 8895 - Posted: 8 Feb 2005, 7:58:26 UTC
Last modified: 8 Feb 2005, 8:02:30 UTC

Welcome to CPDN, Matt.

It'll take 3 to 4 weeks.

This part of the <a href=''> FAQ </a> gives some timings.

CPDN is totally different to other dc projects. Here we count "trickles", 72 per model. On my 3.2Ghz P4 I get a trickle about every 10 hours.

And, while there are credits, which you get each trickle, (about 94, I think), they are not really reliable.
Some people have been getting a large amount on completion of a model, (It's been nick-named "the lottery"),
so about every 4 hours, a program is run to re-calc the total credits. But the Recent Average Credits,(RAC),
is still messed up. You get a huge amount at completion, which slowly decays.

If you encounter problems, just post. Help is never far away.
And when we get the phpBB back, there's several forums to socialise. But for now, we have to make-do with
the BOINC message board.


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Message 8925 - Posted: 8 Feb 2005, 17:39:51 UTC - in response to Message 8895.  

Thank you Les, that puts my mind at rest a little - so trickles justunder 7 hours are ok then!! I'll keep the machine plugging on - might even get a linux client going on my server as it's not exactly over busy at the moment

&gt; Welcome to CPDN, Matt.
&gt; It'll take 3 to 4 weeks.
&gt; This part of the <a> href=''&gt; FAQ </a>
&gt; gives some timings.
&gt; CPDN is totally different to other dc projects. Here we count "trickles", 72
&gt; per model. On my 3.2Ghz P4 I get a trickle about every 10 hours.
&gt; And, while there are credits, which you get each trickle, (about 94, I think),
&gt; they are not really reliable.
&gt; Some people have been getting a large amount on completion of a model, (It's
&gt; been nick-named "the lottery"),
&gt; so about every 4 hours, a program is run to re-calc the total credits. But the
&gt; Recent Average Credits,(RAC),
&gt; is still messed up. You get a huge amount at completion, which slowly decays.
&gt; If you encounter problems, just post. Help is never far away.
&gt; And when we get the phpBB back, there's several forums to socialise. But for
&gt; now, we have to make-do with
&gt; the BOINC message board.
&gt; Les
ID: 8925 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 8932 - Posted: 8 Feb 2005, 19:30:48 UTC

Speeds of 2.3 s/ts are pretty good for an Athlon XP 3200. P4s do better because of code optimisation. I agree about using your server, as Linux tends to have a speed advantage in CPDN of around 10% over Win XP.
ID: 8932 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : How long should one unit take?
