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Thread 'Unable to complete a work unit - always errors'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Unable to complete a work unit - always errors
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Message 9907 - Posted: 24 Feb 2005, 16:49:22 UTC
Last modified: 24 Feb 2005, 16:52:23 UTC

I never seem to get a work unit to complete without errors. So far, my results page has 10 units, all of which have an Outcome of Client Error - only 3 of these have any CPU time associated with them.

The most recent error is :
Unrecoverable error for result 2f9b_200134233_0 ( - exit code -1073741502 (0xc0000142))

What am I doing wrong?

My specs:
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2.0 GHz
512 Mb RAM
3 Gb Free Space for BOINC
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Les Bayliss
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Message 9932 - Posted: 24 Feb 2005, 21:38:10 UTC
Last modified: 24 Feb 2005, 21:39:16 UTC

Hi Patrick, Welcome to the project.

You are the 2nd person in the last few days to have this strange error code.
I'm going to post about it on the BOINC forum, and see if someone comes up with an answer.

In the meantime, have you run these tests?

<a href="">Prime95</a>
<a href="">Memtest</a>
<a href="">SuperPi</a>

I usually list the following as causes for CPDN crashing:
Over heating
Over clocking
A power supply that can't provide stable voltages under full processor load.
Fans and heatsinks covered with dust. (Which leads to overheating.)

Are any of these relevant?

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Message 9935 - Posted: 24 Feb 2005, 21:59:07 UTC - in response to Message 9932.  

&gt; Hi Patrick, Welcome to the project.
&gt; You are the 2nd person in the last few days to have this strange error code.
&gt; I'm going to post about it on the BOINC forum, and see if someone comes up
&gt; with an answer.
&gt; In the meantime, have you run these tests?
&gt; <a href="">Prime95</a>
&gt; <a href="">Memtest</a>
&gt; <a href="">SuperPi</a>
&gt; I usually list the following as causes for CPDN crashing:
&gt; Over heating
&gt; Over clocking
&gt; A power supply that can't provide stable voltages under full processor load.
&gt; Fans and heatsinks covered with dust. (Which leads to overheating.)
&gt; Are any of these relevant?
&gt; Les
Hi Les,

I ram MemTest when I put this PC together a few months ago. The system is not overclocked, and the powersupply is more than adequate for the system as a whole. I looked at the posts regarding the -5 general error code, but hope that this more specific code might give more information as to what is going on.

Thanks for your suggestions - I'm going to wait a while to see what gives, and will then probably try running your suggested tests when I have a little more time!

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Les Bayliss
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Message 9995 - Posted: 25 Feb 2005, 15:23:50 UTC

Good news and bad news.
The good news is that another user has found a reference to this error code.
The bad news is that it's a Windows problem, so it's up to you to fix.

The thread is <a href=""> here</a>, and to make it easy, the Microsoft KDB item is <a href=""> here</a>.

The relevant part is at the end.
Go right to the bottom, and it should then be at the top of the screen, or a little above that.

If you have been running Easy CD Creator, click on that link and see what it says. I didn't bother.

Perhaps suspending BOINC before running it will stop it happening, but you may have something wrong with Windows.
The 1st screenfull of text at the top of the info page may help.
Good luck.

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Message 10108 - Posted: 28 Feb 2005, 12:09:59 UTC - in response to Message 9995.  


Thanks for your reply, and for working out where the error is coming from.

I do not have EasyCD running on my system, but have tried the fix suggested <a href=";en-us;824422">on MSDN</a> for a possible cause. Although I suspect that this is a red herring, it does state that "you may or may not receive an error message, and the error messages that are associated the problem may not be logged in the log files on your computer" which fits with what I am seeing (e.g. no log written to the Event Viewer)

Anyway, it has not happened again since my first posting, so I am going to keep an eye on it. I have a vague feeling that MusicMatch might have something to do with it, so if I get a long run error free, I'll try running that at the same time to see if it has an effect.

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Message 11174 - Posted: 20 Mar 2005, 14:05:21 UTC - in response to Message 10108.  

&gt; Les,
&gt; Thanks for your reply, and for working out where the error is coming from.
&gt; I do not have EasyCD running on my system, but have tried the fix suggested <a> href=";en-us;824422"&gt;on
&gt; MSDN</a> for a possible cause. Although I suspect that this is a red herring,
&gt; it does state that "you may or may not receive an error message, and the error
&gt; messages that are associated the problem may not be logged in the log files on
&gt; your computer" which fits with what I am seeing (e.g. no log written to the
&gt; Event Viewer)
&gt; Anyway, it has not happened again since my first posting, so I am going to
&gt; keep an eye on it. I have a vague feeling that MusicMatch might have something
&gt; to do with it, so if I get a long run error free, I'll try running that at the
&gt; same time to see if it has an effect.
&gt; Patrick

Well, after a relatively long time error-free, the latest attempt also ended in failure after 1159649.56 seconds, so it looks as though there are issues with running either BOINC or CP on my PC, so I am going to try another distributed computing project. Hopefully, future versions of BOINC / CP will be more compatible with my PC, so I'll be back in a while....

Thanks again for the help,

Patrick Mullin
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Les Bayliss
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Message 11176 - Posted: 20 Mar 2005, 15:21:15 UTC

Unfortunately, future versions of cp will probably be for the more complex research aspects.
E.G. the Sulphur cycle and Coupled ocean models will be 5 phases.


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Message 11177 - Posted: 20 Mar 2005, 16:44:00 UTC - in response to Message 11176.  

&gt; Unfortunately, future versions of cp will probably be for the more complex
&gt; research aspects.
&gt; E.G. the Sulphur cycle and Coupled ocean models will be 5 phases.
&gt; Les
The sulphur cycle is certainly 5 phases. I am interested to know how many and what phases are in the coupled ocean model. Do you know it will be 5? I was thinking that one of the phases would be a 50 year phase, but I didn't know anything about how many phases will precede this. I think there are a few long ocean spin up phases but I am not sure how much of this will be done prior to distributing the model to participants.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 11182 - Posted: 20 Mar 2005, 19:27:48 UTC

Sorry crandles
I thought that I'd read the CO would be 5. It was a long time back, possibly end of last year.
What I also THINK I remember was that it take a lot longer to run.
I don't have personel knowledge of it. Could be on the classic forum. Which is due back Real Soon Now.
I can't even remember what I was in the middle of posting on classic when it died. :(

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ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 11225 - Posted: 21 Mar 2005, 9:18:33 UTC

My recollection of the coupled ocean model is that the spin up phase is very long. There were various ideas being discussed last year on whether the distributed model might be cut down - for example by using the same ocean start with slight differences in the atmosphere, which would mean distributing some very large data files but save a lot of time. It would still be a much bigger WU than the present one. But I may be misremembering - I agree we need to check the old board which is where the discussion ought to be :)
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Questions and Answers : Windows : Unable to complete a work unit - always errors
