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Thread 'Fortran compiler crash.'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Fortran compiler crash.
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Message 12681 - Posted: 19 May 2005, 12:49:16 UTC

To whom it may concern:

When I got up this morning and turned on the monitor to my pc, I had an error messeage window with the following information:

forrtl: severe(30): open failure, unit 6, file conout$
image pc routine line source
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 008C765B Unknown unknown unknown
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 008B132A Unknown unknown unknown
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 008B0039 Unknown unknown unknown
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 008B0564 Unknown unknown unknown
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 0089593C Unknown unknown unknown
HADSM3UM_4.12_WIN 004083AA Unknown unknown unknown
KERNEL32.DLL BFF8B560 Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL BFF8B412 Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL BFF89DD5 Unknown Unknown Unknown

I know the error came from the climate predictor model but there is not enough information in the message log to indicate if the model was dumped or not :

5/18/05 11:01:13 PM||Starting BOINC client version 4.25 for windows_intelx86
5/18/05 11:01:14 PM|SETI@home|Host location: home
5/18/05 11:01:14 PM|SETI@home|Using your default project prefs
5/18/05 11:01:15 PM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Host location: home
5/18/05 11:01:15 PM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Using your default project prefs
5/18/05 11:01:15 PM|Einstein@Home|Host location: home
5/18/05 11:01:15 PM|Einstein@Home|Using your default project prefs
5/18/05 11:01:15 PM||Using your default project prefs
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM|SETI@home|Host ID is 886777
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Host ID is 112178
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM|Einstein@Home|Host ID is 214372
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM||Host ID is 167066
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM||General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 2005-05-18 21:54:20)
5/18/05 11:01:19 PM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
5/18/05 11:01:21 PM|Einstein@Home|Deferring computation for result H1_0059.5__0059.8_0.1_T02_Fin1_3
5/18/05 11:01:21 PM||Resuming computation for result 2r04_300149604_0 using hadsm3 version 4.12
5/18/05 11:01:29 PM|SETI@home|Deferring computation for result 28ja05ab.13836.29760.147152.45_2
5/19/05 12:01:21 AM|Einstein@Home|Restarting result H1_0059.5__0059.8_0.1_T02_Fin1_3 using einstein version 4.79
5/19/05 12:01:21 AM||Pausing result 2r04_300149604_0 (left in memory)
5/19/05 1:01:21 AM|Einstein@Home|Pausing result H1_0059.5__0059.8_0.1_T02_Fin1_3 (left in memory)
5/19/05 1:01:22 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Starting result h0008A_1_81125_0 using mfoldB125 version 4.28
5/19/05 1:01:25 AM||Insufficient work; requesting more
5/19/05 1:01:25 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Requesting 8640.00 seconds of work
5/19/05 1:01:25 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Sending request to scheduler:
5/19/05 1:01:26 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Scheduler RPC to succeeded
5/19/05 1:01:26 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Host location: home
5/19/05 1:01:26 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Using your default project prefs
5/19/05 1:01:27 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Started download of h0007A_1_30103.ini
5/19/05 1:01:27 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Started download of h0007A_1_30103.inp
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Finished download of h0007A_1_30103.ini
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Throughput 5841 bytes/sec
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Finished download of h0007A_1_30103.inp
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Throughput 847 bytes/sec
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Started download of h0007A_1_30103.seq
5/19/05 1:01:28 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Started download of h0007A_1_30103.res
5/19/05 1:01:29 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Finished download of h0007A_1_30103.seq
5/19/05 1:01:29 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Throughput 11199 bytes/sec
5/19/05 1:01:29 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Finished download of h0007A_1_30103.res
5/19/05 1:01:29 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Throughput 27 bytes/sec
5/19/05 2:01:29 AM||Resuming result 2r04_300149604_0 using hadsm3 version 4.12
5/19/05 2:01:29 AM|ProteinPredictorAtHome|Pausing result h0008A_1_81125_0 (left in memory)
5/19/05 3:01:29 AM||Pausing result 2r04_300149604_0 (left in memory)
5/19/05 3:01:30 AM|SETI@home|Restarting result 28ja05ab.13836.29760.147152.45_2 using setiathome version 4.09
5/19/05 4:01:29 AM||Resuming result 2r04_300149604_0 using hadsm3 version 4.12
5/19/05 4:01:29 AM|SETI@home|Pausing result 28ja05ab.13836.29760.147152.45_2 (left in memory)
5/19/05 5:01:29 AM|Einstein@Home|Resuming result H1_0059.5__0059.8_0.1_T02_Fin1_3 using einstein version 4.79
5/19/05 5:01:29 AM||Pausing result 2r04_300149604_0 (left in memory)
5/19/05 6:01:29 AM|Einstein@Home|Pausing result H1_0059.5__0059.8_0.1_T02_Fin1_3 (left in memory)
5/19/05 6:01:29 AM||Resuming result 2r04_300149604_0 using hadsm3 version 4.12

is there any way to tell if the model is still running or if it has crashed so that I can dump it and restart it if needed?

I am running windows 98se on a celeron 2300ghz processor using 512 mb of ram , boinc version 4.25 for windows.

no other application appears to have any problems running at this time.

Thank you for your help in this matter

Stephen Bartels

Account number 59630
Cross-project ID c37f3d2c5f231c07362d8dc94d3924e7

if a reply can be posted to my email i would greatly appreciate it
ID: 12681 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 12683 - Posted: 19 May 2005, 13:30:46 UTC

You seem to be using Win 98. I am sorry to tell you that the BOINC version of CPDN does not currently work reliably in Win 98, ME or NT, and it is not clear whether the problems will be resolved. In the meantime CPDN still works <a href="">in the classic version</a>, or you could detach and come back in a few weeks to see whether the problems have been overcome.
ID: 12683 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : Fortran compiler crash.
