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Thread 'rss news error'

Thread 'rss news error'

Questions and Answers : Wish list : rss news error
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Joined: 1 Sep 04
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Message 15834 - Posted: 9 Sep 2005, 20:51:53 UTC

I can\'t get any rss news after 08/26/2005.
I\'m using free RssReader v from Ykoon B.V.
Also if try to see rss news with some browsers but I get errors.
At end are errors I get from two different browsers.

Is this a permanent error or requires a espetial configuration on browsers and rss readers?

Thanks for your help


Error using FireFox 1.0.6

Error d\'anàlisi XML: no ben format Ubicació: Número de línia 15, Columna 60: the search should find 6 occurrences inside &ltfile_info&gt sections. Ignore the first one.

Error using IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2....

No se puede mostrar la página XML
No se puede ver la entrada XML con la hoja de estilo XSL. Corrija el error y haga clic en el botón Actualizar, o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.


Se esperaba un carácter de punto y coma. Error al procesar el recurso Línea 15, Pos...

the search should find 6 occurrences inside &ltfile_info&gt sections. Ignore the first one.

ID: 15834 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Wish list : rss news error
