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Thread 'Win2k instable when running BOINC CPDN (sulphur cycle errors)'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Win2k instable when running BOINC CPDN (sulphur cycle errors)
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Message 18313 - Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 17:52:27 UTC


I have a few problems which couldn\'t be answered by any threads I found:

First of all I wanted to know why I suddenly had more than one computer, when I looked at my account. I have merged them by now, but I still find it rather irritating.
Did I do something wrong?

I have joined the project only recently, and I have a severe problem with the sulphur cycles.
I have already noticed that I\'m not the only one who gets \"unrecoverable errors\", but the other threads I found couldn\'t help me.

I don\'t know how many models I have already downloaded, but every single one ended in an unrecoverable error.
What is worse is that everytime that happens, my System (Win2k) gets unstable. I can\'t open any programs, I get error messages and I can\'t exit BOINC.
I usually have to reboot before I can continue anything.

Messages from BOINC (I also run SETI, but I don\'t get any problems there):

17/12/2005 14:06:49||Restarting result sulphur_elr0_000681372_0 using sulphur_cycle version 422
17/12/2005 14:06:50||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
17/12/2005 15:06:50|SETI@home|Restarting result 28se04ab.6589.22545.990916.7_3 using setiathome version 418
17/12/2005 15:06:50||Pausing result sulphur_elr0_000681372_0 (removed from memory)
17/12/2005 15:06:53||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
17/12/2005 16:06:53|SETI@home|Pausing result 28se04ab.6589.22545.990916.7_3 (removed from memory)
17/12/2005 16:06:53||Restarting result sulphur_elr0_000681372_0 using sulphur_cycle version 422
17/12/2005 16:06:55||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
17/12/2005 16:40:47||Can\'t open temp state file: client_state_next.xml
17/12/2005 16:40:47||Couldn\'t write state file: system fopen
17/12/2005 16:41:47||request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
17/12/2005 16:41:47||Computation for result sulphur_elr0_000681372_0 finished
17/12/2005 16:41:47|SETI@home|Restarting result 28se04ab.6589.22545.990916.7_3 using setiathome version 418
17/12/2005 16:41:47||Sending scheduler request to
17/12/2005 16:41:47||Reason: To send trickle-up message
17/12/2005 16:41:47||Requesting 8640 seconds of new work
17/12/2005 16:41:48||Unrecoverable error for result sulphur_elr0_000681372_0 (<file_xfer_error> <file_name></file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> <error_message></error_message></file_xfer_error><file_xfer_error> <file_name></file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> <error_message></error_message></file_xfer_error><file_xfer_error> <file_name></file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> <error_message></error_message></file_xfer_error><file_xfer_error> <file_name></file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> <error_message></error_message></file_xfer_error><file_xfer_error> <file_name></file_name> <error_code>-161</error_code> <error_message></error_message></file_xfer_error>)
17/12/2005 16:41:52||Scheduler request to succeeded
17/12/2005 16:41:54||Started download of
17/12/2005 16:41:56||Finished download of
17/12/2005 16:41:56||Throughput 25200 bytes/sec
17/12/2005 16:41:57||request_reschedule_cpus: files downloaded

Messages from my system (sorry, they\'re in German, but I tried a translation):

After my last BOINC crash, I tried deactivating my screensaver (which is not the BOINC screensaver, by the way). When confirming the settings dialog, I got this error (Graphics card driver problems I haven\'t had before):

Ungültuge Anzeigeeinstellungen: Der derzeit ausgewählte Grafiktreiber kann nicht verwendet werden. Er wurde für eine fühere Version von Windows geschrieben und ist mit dieser Version von Windows nicht mehr kompatibel.
Das System wurde mit dem Standard-VGA-Treiber gestartet.
Wenden Sie sich an den Hardwarehersteller, um einen neuen Videotreiber zu erhalten, oder wählen Sie einen der von Microsoft zur Verfügung gestellten Treiber.

(Invalid display settings: The currently selected
graphics driver cannot be used because it was developed for a prior version of Windows and is not compatible with this version of Windows.
The system was started using the default VGA driver.
Please contact your hardware manufacturer to obtain a recent video driver, or choose one of the drivers supplied by Microsoft.)

And when I said \"OK\", I got this:

Beim Verarbeiten der Systemsteuerungsdatei C:\\WINNT\\system32\\desk.cpl ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.

(An error occured while processing the system settings file desk.cpl)

This did not happen when I repeated those steps after reboot and without BOINC (CPDN) running.

When I try to start other programs (eg XEmacs for Windows this time):

C:\\Programme\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.4.13\\i586-pc-win32\\xemacs.exe ist keine zulässige Win32-Anwendung.

(xemacs.exe is not a valid Win32 application.)

I hope somebody can help me with these problems. I had to suspend CPDN, but I don\'t want it to stay that way.

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Message 18314 - Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 18:34:17 UTC

One problem is you need to leave CPDN in memory and you might check on new drivers for vid card, plus just give box a general check, over clocking, heat problems, memory, and hardware that may be going bad, power supply.....
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Message 18331 - Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 9:14:47 UTC - in response to Message 18314.  

One problem is you need to leave CPDN in memory and you might check on new drivers for vid card, plus just give box a general check, over clocking, heat problems, memory, and hardware that may be going bad, power supply.....

I\'m not over clocking, and I don\'t have any other problems with my computer whatsoever.

I tried leaving CPDN in memory (it\'s working), and I also suspended SETI for another testrun of CPDN. It worked fine for about 2 hours, and then I had another unrecoverable error. This time my System crashed completely, I couldn\'t do anything anymore. All the active windows (even the taskmanager) went gray. I had to reboot again, without being able to close the active windows.
In addition to that I have also lost a second sulphur-workunit, which I had downloaded (and started) and which was preempted. He seems to have reported it though. But I didn\'t get any error message from this one.
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Message 18336 - Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 10:14:49 UTC
Last modified: 18 Dec 2005, 10:16:07 UTC

Das hoert sich ein wenig so an, als ob Deine Festplatte kurz davor ist, sich zu verabschieden oder ein Problem mit dem HD-Controller vorliegt - ich will aber keine Panik verbreiten - nur wuerde ich sicherheitshalber gelegentlich \'mal den kompletten Scandisk incl. Suche nach fehlerhaften Sektoren durchziehen.

Schliesse doch als erstes \'mal den kompletten BOINC-Ordner vom Virenscan aus, vielleicht reicht das ja auch schon.

Dann beobachte auch \'mal den Speicher, CPDN braucht davon mehr als SETI. Wenn\'s knapp wird, evtl. \'mal den Swapspace erhoehen und dabei obere und untere Grenze gleich einstellen, damit das System nicht staendig die Groesse der Swapdatei anpasst.

Die Grafik - egal ob Bildschirmschoner oder die aus dem Menue - scheint mit manchen Grafikkartentreibern nicht zu harmonieren, ausserdem verlangsamt sie die Berechnung, ich fasse die Grafik nicht mehr an und habe seitdem keinerlei Probleme mehr mit CPDN (mit einer Ausnahme)

Ich tippe aber erstmal auf den Virenscanner - das Problem ist so verbreitet dass es sehr nahe liegt, damit anzufangen.
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Message 18337 - Posted: 18 Dec 2005, 11:51:48 UTC

I have exactlythe same situation here.
Running W2K SP4, Boinc 5.2.13, subscribed to Seti@home and CPDN.
CPDN keeps crashing with the same error:
2005-12-17 14:08:32 [] Resuming result sulphur_glop_000774601_0 using sulphur_cycle version 422
2005-12-17 14:08:32 [SETI@home] Pausing result 22no04aa.209.6289.579834.228_0 (left in memory)
2005-12-17 14:38:27 [---] Can\'t open temp state file: client_state_next.xml
2005-12-17 14:38:27 [---] Couldn\'t write state file: system fopen
2005-12-17 14:39:27 [SETI@home] Result 22no04aa.209.6289.579834.228_0 exited with zero status but no \'finished\' file
2005-12-17 14:39:27 [SETI@home] If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
2005-12-17 14:39:27 [---] request_reschedule_cpus: process exited
2005-12-17 14:39:27 [] Computation for result sulphur_glop_000774601_0 finished
2005-12-17 14:39:27 [SETI@home] Restarting result 22no04aa.209.6289.579834.228_0 using setiathome version 411

To eliminate HDD failure, I will install Boinc on an other HDD and see , what happens.
Will keep you posted.
Best regards
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Message 19285 - Posted: 14 Jan 2006, 9:41:19 UTC - in response to Message 18336.  

Hab inzwischen einen Scandisk durchgeführt -- ist alles in Ordnung, daran kann es also nicht liegen. Ich krieg die ganzen Probleme eh nur, wenn ich den CPDN laufen hab.

Mit dem Speicher scheint er keine Probleme zu haben.

Grafik hab ich beim letzten Versuch auch nicht angefasst, bringt aber nichts.
Hängt sich trotzdem noch auf.

Vom Virenscan werde ich den Boinc-Ordner nicht ausschließen, ist mir zu unsicher - wenn das wirklich die einzige Möglichkeit sein sollte, CPDN zum Laufen zu bringen, ohne dass es mir mein System lahmlegt, dann werde ich wahrscheinlich wieder aussteigen. Ist echt schade, aber ich brauch den Rechner in einem funktionierenden Zustand.

Danke trotzdem!

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Questions and Answers : Windows : Win2k instable when running BOINC CPDN (sulphur cycle errors)
