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Thread 'My workblock keeps on going to 0% when Boinc starts!'

Questions and Answers : Windows : My workblock keeps on going to 0% when Boinc starts!
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Message 2277 - Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 6:00:44 UTC

Every time I start up my PC and Boinc loads the work block goes to 0% so I never can report it. I\'m on the latest BOINC client so whats am I doing wrong.
ID: 2277 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
ProfileThyme Lawn
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Message 2290 - Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 8:02:30 UTC

Hi Philip,

Your computers are hidden and you haven't sent any trickles in yet, so I can't track what has happened with the work units that have been sent to you.

Having said that (and assuming you're running some version of Windows), my best guess is that you're being hit with a problem in the shutdown sequence which can cause corruption of a file that controls how the model starts up. The best way to get round this is to manually exit from BOINC before shutting down. If you're particularly paranoid you could always do a suspend before closing BOINC ;-)

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ID: 2290 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
John McLeod VII

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Message 2449 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 4:08:22 UTC

CPDN checkpoints the result (writes it to disk) once every 144 timesteps. If you stop the computer before it reaches this point, it will restart at 0. If you have a very slow computer, and are sharing the CPU with another project make certain that you have the preempt option set so that preempting does not quit.

The slowest computer that I have actually received a CPDN WU to crunch would take several hours to do 144 timesteps. The minimum recomended speed is 800. Much slower than than and you will take more than a year to finish on a dedicated machine.

The above may describe your trouble, more information about your computers would be very useful if I have not described your problem.

ID: 2449 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 2533 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 15:34:10 UTC - in response to Message 2290.  
Last modified: 1 Sep 2004, 15:38:52 UTC

&gt; Hi Philip,
&gt; Your computers are hidden and you haven't sent any trickles in yet, so I can't
&gt; track what has happened with the work units that have been sent to you.
&gt; Having said that (and assuming you're running some version of Windows), my
&gt; best guess is that you're being hit with a problem in the shutdown sequence
&gt; which can cause corruption of a file that controls how the model starts up.
&gt; The best way to get round this is to manually exit from BOINC before shutting
&gt; down. If you're particularly paranoid you could always do a suspend before
&gt; closing BOINC ;-)
&gt; <a href=""><img> src=""&gt;</a><a> href=""&gt;Join
&gt; us here</a>

I don't think that it would work. I just suspended BOINC while installing a big program and when I continued it it was reset back to 0
Oh and I just checked and I'm on timestep 844

And here is the PC info
ID: 3607
Computer information
IP address
Domain name athlonxp2000
Time zone UTC 0 hours
Name athlonxp2000
Created 28 Aug 2004 12:16:46 UTC
Total Credit 0.00
Recent average credit 0.00
CPU type AMD Athlon(tm) Processor Pentium
Number of CPUs 1
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition, Service Pack 1, (05.01.2600.00)
Memory 255.48 MB
Cache 976.56 KB
Swap space 617.92 MB
Total disk space 18.64 GB
Free Disk Space 6.51 GB
Measured floating point speed 1418.7 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 2466 million ops/sec
Average upload rate 83.31 KB/sec
Average download rate 49.54 KB/sec
Number of times client has contacted server 0
Last time contacted server 1 Sep 2004 8:19:00 UTC
% of time client is on 56.649 %
% of time host is connected 56.649 %
% of time user is active 56.408 %
ID: 2533 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : My workblock keeps on going to 0% when Boinc starts!
