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Thread 'CPDN crashed on slow computer'

Questions and Answers : Windows : CPDN crashed on slow computer
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John McLeod VII

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Message 2321 - Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 13:05:47 UTC

I have received the following log entries:

2004-08-30 12:22:19 [] Resuming result 005h_300025182_0 using hadsm3 version 4.03
2004-08-30 12:22:19 [SETI@home] Preempting result 25ap04aa.23553.14897.761084.245_5 (suspend)
2004-08-30 13:04:50 [] Computation for result 005h_300025182 finished
2004-08-30 13:04:53 [yyy@home alpha] Starting result v64yyyfrsbbe6alpha111s6_8515_1_sixvf_706_12 using sixtrack version 4.41
2004-08-30 13:04:53 [] Started upload of
2004-08-30 13:04:53 [] Started upload of
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Finished upload of
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Throughput 250 bytes/sec
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Finished upload of
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Throughput 7124 bytes/sec
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Started upload of
2004-08-30 13:04:59 [] Started upload of
2004-08-30 13:05:05 [] Finished upload of
2004-08-30 13:05:05 [] Throughput 250 bytes/sec
2004-08-30 13:05:05 [] Finished upload of
2004-08-30 13:05:05 [] Throughput 251 bytes/sec
2004-08-30 13:05:05 [] Started upload of
2004-08-30 13:05:11 [] Finished upload of
2004-08-30 13:05:11 [] Throughput 6786 bytes/sec
2004-08-30 13:05:51 [---] Insufficient work; requesting more
2004-08-30 13:05:51 [] Requesting 9533 seconds of work
2004-08-30 13:05:51 [] Sending request to scheduler:
2004-08-30 13:05:55 [] Scheduler RPC to succeeded
2004-08-30 13:05:56 [] Started download of
2004-08-30 13:05:58 [] Finished download of
2004-08-30 13:05:58 [] Throughput 4206 bytes/sec

In the middle of these were the following entries in stderr.txt

2004-08-30 13:04:50 [] Unrecoverable error for result 005h_300025182_0 ( - exit code -5 (0xfffffffb))
2004-08-30 13:04:50 [] Deferring communication with project for 1 minutes and 0 seconds

The machine is a P166Mhz. I had just switched from preemption of of quit to preemption of swap. The machine seems to be erroring out on the maximum number of WUs per day that it can download.

ID: 2321 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
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Message 2422 - Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 22:29:49 UTC

The suggested minimum requirements for the CPDN model include an 800 MHz processor, although some are running it on slower PCs. Slow PCs have in the past tended to produce unstable models quite quickly. It may be the PC just can't handle this project.
ID: 2422 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 2429 - Posted: 31 Aug 2004, 22:56:10 UTC

Psst... JM7 is an Alpha tester of the BOINC client. He's just testing things for Carl. :)

(I suspect... aren't you, John? ;))
<img src=";trans=off">
ID: 2429 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
John McLeod VII

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Message 2448 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 3:54:43 UTC - in response to Message 2429.  

&gt; Psst... JM7 is an Alpha tester of the BOINC client. He's just testing things
&gt; for Carl. :)
&gt; (I suspect... aren't you, John? ;))
&gt; --------------------
&gt; Jordâ„¢
Well, both Carl and Dr. Anderson (among others). I found the timing of the crash interesting, and yes, I know about the declared minimums. However, the dual 200 Mhz seems to be doing OK (also a test to see what happens). No I was not really expecting to get any work for either of these computers (this is covered in another thread), but since I did, I figured that I would follow through for a while to see what happened.

I was also using the dual 200 as a resource sharing test for the BOINC core.

I seem to be invited to the party on a larger numbe of Alpha tests recently. BOINC Alpha, Predictor Alpha (when it was closed), CPDN BOINC Alpha... I try to do my best to test with the equipment that I have. All windows, but a fair spread in CPU speed, HD capacity, and RAM.

ID: 2448 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Windows : CPDN crashed on slow computer
