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Thread 'CPDN Hogging computer'

Questions and Answers : Preferences : CPDN Hogging computer
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Message 21186 - Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:21:24 UTC

I just recently signed up and began running BOINC for CPDN. The work being done completely hogs my system making it almost unusable, especially when accesing the internet. I tried suspending the work process, but it apparently just spawned another and kept going. The situation is intolerable unless there is a solution to this.
... Ron
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Les Bayliss
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Message 21187 - Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:41:30 UTC

Re Suspending:
There are 3, in different places, each giving a different level of control.
1) In the menu; This suspends BOINC.
2) In the Projects tab; This suspends whichever project\'s name is highlighted.
3) In the work tab; This suspends whichever model is highlighted.

If you want to Suspend before Exiting, the one to use is 1).

If you use 3), BOINC soon thinks \"The science app isn\'t doing anything; It must have run out of work, so I\'ll get some more\". And you end up with 2 models.
So to use this one it is necessary to add an extra step first: In the projects tab, highlight the project whose model is going to be Suspended, and then click \"No new work\".

Re: 100% and Ready to report.
Usually means that the model has crashed. BOINC will pass this info to the server the next time it makes contact. To force this to happen now, go to the Projects tab, click on the project name to select it, and then click Update.

Also, you now have \'three\' computers in your account. If you go into your account, click on \'View computers\', and then click on one of them, at the bottom of the page you\'ll have an option to merge them back into one.

As for \'hogging the system\', could you tell us a bit more?
BOINC is intended to use unused cpu cycles at a very low priority, and to release resources when need by the much higher priority normal work. And it does this very well.

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Message 21188 - Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 19:58:34 UTC

Your system has the power so you need to check it over for any malware, spyware, virus and any other programs that you have running in the back ground..

I run any where from 2 to 4 CPDN wus on my 840 ee Dual 3.2 and have no prooblems...
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Message 21190 - Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 20:52:07 UTC - in response to Message 21187.  

As far as hogging my computer, it is most notable when accessing the internet. It seems to take forever to access web pages(minutes) vs seconds before installing BOINC. In fact, about 50% of the time I get the error \'page not found\' and have to select refresh sveral times to finally gt access to the web page I\'m going to. There doesn\'t seem to be internet traffic attributable to BOINC. This slow activity is consistent, it doesn\'t come and go.
Also, how did I end up with three computers??? Could this be related to the fact that my system hung twice while running BOINC exclusively(overnight) requiring a forced power down to restart. My system has not hung at all prior to BOINC and my last restore about two months ago.
... Ron

Re Suspending:
There are 3, in different places, each giving a different level of control.
1) In the menu; This suspends BOINC.
2) In the Projects tab; This suspends whichever project\'s name is highlighted.
3) In the work tab; This suspends whichever model is highlighted.

If you want to Suspend before Exiting, the one to use is 1).

If you use 3), BOINC soon thinks \"The science app isn\'t doing anything; It must have run out of work, so I\'ll get some more\". And you end up with 2 models.
So to use this one it is necessary to add an extra step first: In the projects tab, highlight the project whose model is going to be Suspended, and then click \"No new work\".

Re: 100% and Ready to report.
Usually means that the model has crashed. BOINC will pass this info to the server the next time it makes contact. To force this to happen now, go to the Projects tab, click on the project name to select it, and then click Update.

Also, you now have \'three\' computers in your account. If you go into your account, click on \'View computers\', and then click on one of them, at the bottom of the page you\'ll have an option to merge them back into one.

As for \'hogging the system\', could you tell us a bit more?
BOINC is intended to use unused cpu cycles at a very low priority, and to release resources when need by the much higher priority normal work. And it does this very well.

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Message 21191 - Posted: 10 Mar 2006, 23:48:22 UTC

The frequent traffic is to \'localhost\' (i.e., the same machine), and should never leave the PC. If somehow it is, this may indicate a misconfiguration (such as not excluding from the proxy).

Take a look in Internet Explorer\'s connection settings to see if you can find the proxy information. There should be a list of sites / IP addresses to exclude routing via the proxy.
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Message 21228 - Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 5:12:19 UTC

Doesn\'t the symptom generally point to thrashing? Powerful P4 machine, relatively small amount of memory (511.29 MB). Depends upon the entire load the machine has at a given moment, of course.

Just a thought.
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Message 21244 - Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 22:50:16 UTC
Last modified: 13 Mar 2006, 22:52:21 UTC

My instinct is that it\'s the network rather than memory in this case, because the focus of the problems on the PC seems to be in that area (thrashing would be leading to complaints of slow task switching and so forth instead).

I was thinking more in terms of the TCP/IP configuration being shafted, since localhost traffic should never leave the box. If the localhost traffic is going to and from the router, it\'s probably swamping that, hence bad internet access.

If the PCs TCP/IP config is screwed up that badly it\'s unlikely we can help really, since it\'s a very complex area. The best person to talk to would be the ISP\'s helpdesk. Before talking to them, Ronnie will need to establish what the localhost traffic is doing:

From a dos box, type \'tracert\', and make a note of the output. It should be a single line like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

E:\\Documents and Settings\\Mike>tracert

Tracing route to localhost []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms localhost []

Trace complete.

E:\\Documents and Settings\\Mike>

If it\'s got more than that then it\'s not surprising he\'s running into problems.
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Message 21276 - Posted: 15 Mar 2006, 5:49:15 UTC - in response to Message 21244.  

Mike, ran the tracert to as suggested and got the one line response. Only difference is on my system it repplied <1 millisecond rather than the 1 millisecond in your example. In addition, I found that if I suspend the project while on the internet, the problem is resolved and I see normal web site responses. Also, I have stopped the hanging of my system by disabling network activity from the BOINC icon.
... Ron

My instinct is that it\'s the network rather than memory in this case, because the focus of the problems on the PC seems to be in that area (thrashing would be leading to complaints of slow task switching and so forth instead).

I was thinking more in terms of the TCP/IP configuration being shafted, since localhost traffic should never leave the box. If the localhost traffic is going to and from the router, it\'s probably swamping that, hence bad internet access.

If the PCs TCP/IP config is screwed up that badly it\'s unlikely we can help really, since it\'s a very complex area. The best person to talk to would be the ISP\'s helpdesk. Before talking to them, Ronnie will need to establish what the localhost traffic is doing:

From a dos box, type \'tracert\', and make a note of the output. It should be a single line like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

E:\\Documents and Settings\\Mike>tracert

Tracing route to localhost []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms localhost []

Trace complete.

E:\\Documents and Settings\\Mike>

If it\'s got more than that then it\'s not surprising he\'s running into problems.

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Questions and Answers : Preferences : CPDN Hogging computer
