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Thread 'Preferences are a joke, and other buggy errors'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Preferences are a joke, and other buggy errors
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Message 21770 - Posted: 1 Apr 2006, 9:49:40 UTC
Last modified: 1 Apr 2006, 9:57:43 UTC

Who the heck wrote this piece of crud program? I have selected preferences such as \"no text panel,\" \"smooth cloud\" and 6 gigs of space on my HD. The text panel is ALWAYS there, and despite the fact current technology prevents burn-in for the most part, it\'s UGLY, and I don\'t want to see it. 2:I keep seeing the Grid clouds, which is also ugly. 3: looking at the disk usage Climateprediction is using 4.6 gigs, but I got warnings that I needed to give MORE space for usage, so I upped it to 12 (!) gigs to use, and when it did download more, it was only 2.6 gigs!
In addition, on one computer I rarely see my progress as greater than .01 percent, the other, I see maybe .065%, but rarely more. Now, I know this is a freaking MASSIVE project, but it sure would make me feel like I\'m actually contributing if the percentage reflected the work I\'m doing. My comps do the work, upload, then download a new segment or parcel, but it never hit 100% for that task? PULEASE! It finished, so it hit 100, I know this mathmatically, so why don\'t the computations reflect this? Part of the reason I contrubute is the feel-good sensation, but I honestly don\'t feel like I\'m doing anything when I can\'t see any results at all. Which brings up my contribution stats a big whopping *0* for BOTH computers, despite the fact I have completed at least a hundred sets of computations. WHat the heck is up with that?
One other error. One one computer, is shows there are 162008 registered users helping out, which is cool. On my OTHER computer, it shows 1! That\'s right, 1 registered user, which I assume is me. What, is my laptop all alone in the world, despite being 10 feet from the desktop, sharing the same internet connection, which shows 162007 more users?
And, just so I don\'t leave anything out, since I connected to climateprediction, the setiathome project won\'t freaking download new tasks. I have reset, tried to connect, and nothing, maybe go 3 days before I get anything from SAH. If I suspend CP, guess what? both Einstein at home (which has problems, just not as much) and SAH connect and get project fine. So, by elimination, CP is freaking blocking things!
Oh, and one further thing. One one comp, I signed on for climate PREDICTION, and the other Climate CHANGE. Somewhere in the night, about a week ago, BOTH became CHANGE. Now, if this is normal, and prediction is done till change is through, fine, but it\'d be nice to get a freaking email telling this.

There are SERIOUS buggy issues going on here, and if they are not addressed and fixed soon, I will detach from this inelegant, and seemingly useless project very soon, with BOTH computers!
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Message 21775 - Posted: 1 Apr 2006, 13:40:15 UTC

Have you got the \'Use prefences\' preference ticked? Near the bottom on the same screen.

What share of resources have you given the project? This will affect the disk space it can use (so if you define 5 gig, but give it 50% resources, it is only allowed to use 2.5gig).

Incidentally, some of this disk space is probably being used by crashed models.
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Message 21781 - Posted: 1 Apr 2006, 14:55:09 UTC - in response to Message 21775.  

Yes, \"use preferences\" is Checked. The one part that does work is I prefer to only have BOINC run when I\'m not actively working on the comp. THAT works, now (Previous model of Climatechange specific boinc would NOT run that way, for some buggy reason.) As for the share, you did get me there, I do have it at 50%, sharing with Seti@home at 50%...Still, 2.6 gigs is less than 25% of 12, and less than 50% of 4.9 or whatever it was before. But, despite the share at 50%, Seti is still being strangled by CC. So it\'s really NOT a share, is it?

Have you got the \'Use prefences\' preference ticked? Near the bottom on the same screen.

What share of resources have you given the project? This will affect the disk space it can use (so if you define 5 gig, but give it 50% resources, it is only allowed to use 2.5gig).

Incidentally, some of this disk space is probably being used by crashed models.

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Message 21805 - Posted: 1 Apr 2006, 23:16:37 UTC

Climate change is a sub-set of the models that climate prediction runs, so you will see the them on both projects from time to time.

Looking through your computers there is only the laptop attached here and all previous models for it have crashed. If you are using the preference to only run when idle you need to leave aplications in memory. Otherwise models are likely to crash when resuming and you will make very little progress since checkpoints are not very frequent.

The graphics preferences may not take effect until the first trickle, none of your models made it far enough to trickle. Just make sure the preferences are correct on the website. They should be picked up eventually. The number of registered users is updated at trickles as well and that may be why you are seeing odd numbers. That feature also may not work at all here, it may be specifically for the BBC version.

The coupled model (climate change) takes a good deal longer than the other types of models but the deadline is the same. Because of this it is likely to cause your computer to go into earliest deadline first mode. In EDF mode new tasks will not be downloaded. Once your climate model finishes you will not download a new one until SETI has had some time on the host.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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Message 21810 - Posted: 2 Apr 2006, 2:32:42 UTC - in response to Message 21805.  

Well, I think I figured out why only one comp shows up on my list. I signed up with climate CHANGE on the desktop, and PREDICTION with the laptop. Even though I am running CHANGE models on both, the credit is evidently assigned differently. Not sure why, though, both comps are listed on Seti, why can\'t CC/CP get it together? I have set it to leave in memory, hope that will work, I really do want to help this, but it\'s getting so freaking frustrating. OH, and on the desktop, it HAS had a trickle or two, yet the graphics preferences have not changed a whit, so your answer is non-sensical. Oh, and that earlier deadline thing seems rather draculian, any way to disable it? I mean really, both my processors finish a seti or an eistien in a matter of 5 proc hours, and even swapping with CC, that means it finishes in under a day, well in advance of any deadline, no matter how early.

Climate change is a sub-set of the models that climate prediction runs, so you will see the them on both projects from time to time.

Looking through your computers there is only the laptop attached here and all previous models for it have crashed. If you are using the preference to only run when idle you need to leave aplications in memory. Otherwise models are likely to crash when resuming and you will make very little progress since checkpoints are not very frequent.

The graphics preferences may not take effect until the first trickle, none of your models made it far enough to trickle. Just make sure the preferences are correct on the website. They should be picked up eventually. The number of registered users is updated at trickles as well and that may be why you are seeing odd numbers. That feature also may not work at all here, it may be specifically for the BBC version.

The coupled model (climate change) takes a good deal longer than the other types of models but the deadline is the same. Because of this it is likely to cause your computer to go into earliest deadline first mode. In EDF mode new tasks will not be downloaded. Once your climate model finishes you will not download a new one until SETI has had some time on the host.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 21811 - Posted: 2 Apr 2006, 3:03:28 UTC
Last modified: 2 Apr 2006, 3:05:31 UTC

Not sure why, though, both comps are listed on Seti, why can\'t CC/CP get it together?

Come on! Next you\'ll be wanting the credits from all projects to appear on your SETI account.

All told, there are 4 current \'climate\' projects running, 1 just finishing, 1 only running for a few months and the 2 Coupled Ocean projects.

And the trickles and credits are slow to appear because the programs are only run once or twice a day now, because the servers can no longer handle the load.
A new trickle server is on it\'s way but is a week or so away.

Who the heck wrote this piece of crud program?

It was written over several decades by numerous scientists/researchers working for the British Met Office, where the original is run on their supercomputers for weather forecasting, and, computer time permitting, some climate modelling.

that earlier deadline thing
is part of BOINC, written in the good old USA at Berkeley, by the same people who wrote the SETI program. If you want to complain to them about it try this site.

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Message 21815 - Posted: 2 Apr 2006, 3:14:40 UTC - in response to Message 21811.  

[quote]Come on! Next you\'ll be wanting the credits from all projects to appear on your SETI account.

Now are you are just sniping, not doing anything constructive. I will NOT want my credits on my seti account. I only mention Change and prediction to get it together because for the last few weeks, I have not BEEN running the oxford model, I have been running ONLY the BBC model. If I was running only oxford here, I would only care about 1 computer being listed, but oxford was prempted, now wasn\'t it? Is that my fault? No, I don\'t think so. It\'s the projects. So, if they are going to take over oxford and run BBC on my box, then they need to transfer the account over, simple as that.

Who the heck wrote this piece of crud program?
It was written over several decades by numerous scientists/researchers working for the British Met Office, where the original is run on their supercomputers for weather forecasting, and, computer time permitting, some climate modelling.

My turn to snipe: Guess that explains it, you didn\'t have an actualy PROGRAMMER writing anything, that\'s your terminal mistake. GET ONE, and fix the bugs.

And that earlier deadline thing is part of BOINC, written in the good old USA at Berkeley, by the same people who wrote the SETI program. If you want to complain to them about it try

How about CP just make it so they deadlines aren\'t so bloated you trigger the ED thing? Again, you are assuming I\'m at fault for THIS buggy program. I didn\'t write it, the \"team\" did, and they are the ones that need to fix it, NOT ME.
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Message 21816 - Posted: 2 Apr 2006, 6:33:30 UTC

And, just so I don\'t leave anything out, since I connected to climateprediction, the setiathome project won\'t freaking download new tasks. I have reset, tried to connect, and nothing, maybe go 3 days before I get anything from SAH. If I suspend CP, guess what? both Einstein at home (which has problems, just not as much) and SAH connect and get project fine. So, by elimination, CP is freaking blocking things!

S@H hasn\'t been sending out WUs for more than a week now.
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Message 21817 - Posted: 2 Apr 2006, 6:52:28 UTC - in response to Message 21816.  

Untrue, I figured out, on my own, since noone on this forum is really helpful, they just like throwing aspersions, that all I have to do is suspend CP, then let BOINC run, and joila! Both einstein and S@H downloaded new work. I figured out this worked because several hours ago, I noticed my desktop was running Seti...then I read the logs, and CP had errored out, and not DL new tasks, so I got to thinking about the previous response, that once CP finally finishes (or errors out, it seems) then the other tasks get a chance. So, making a guess, I suspended CP, and it worked, then I resumed CP, and they play like nice children now, 1 hour one, one hour another, and so on. if you have questions about Seti, just read their news pages
March 4, 2006
Our master science database has been checked and is OK. We are (as of yesterday evening) sending out new work

And, just so I don\'t leave anything out, since I connected to climateprediction, the setiathome project won\'t freaking download new tasks. I have reset, tried to connect, and nothing, maybe go 3 days before I get anything from SAH. If I suspend CP, guess what? both Einstein at home (which has problems, just not as much) and SAH connect and get project fine. So, by elimination, CP is freaking blocking things!

S@H hasn\'t been sending out WUs for more than a week now.

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Questions and Answers : Windows : Preferences are a joke, and other buggy errors
