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Thread 'Joined but no WU's'

Questions and Answers : Windows : Joined but no WU's
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Message 2459 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 5:25:02 UTC
Last modified: 1 Sep 2004, 5:27:15 UTC

Hi, I joined yesterday (31st Aug) and I have received no wu's yet. Is this normal?
I have core version 4 installed cos I do SETi as well and thats not working either. I've reinstalled it all but still the same starts and just sits there doin' nothing.
Winxp sp2, Amd Athlon 2800/2.5gHz Thoroughbred

Anyone have any ideas please?
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ProfileAndrew Hingston
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Message 2467 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 7:55:19 UTC

It sounds as though you may not have completed the set up sequence by attaching to each project. Click <i>settings</i> in the BOINC window. If you have and it didn't work, what messages do you get?

There's a helpful guide to BOINC on <a href="">Paul Buck's site</a> you may find helpful.
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Message 2475 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 8:23:37 UTC - in response to Message 2467.  

&gt; It sounds as though you may not have completed the set up sequence by
&gt; attaching to each project. Click <i>settings</i> in the BOINC window. If you
&gt; have and it didn't work, what messages do you get?
&gt; There's a helpful guide to BOINC on <a> href=""&gt;Paul
&gt; Buck's site</a> you may find helpful.
Hi Thanks for your answer. Yes I tried that and the answer was that I was already attached to the project. When senting a request to scheduler I also
get a 'succeeded' answer. I'll have a look at the help guide you gave and see if anyone else has solved this problem.

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John McLeod VII

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Message 2534 - Posted: 1 Sep 2004, 15:37:51 UTC - in response to Message 2475.  

&gt; &gt; It sounds as though you may not have completed the set up sequence by
&gt; &gt; attaching to each project. Click <i>settings</i> in the BOINC window. If
&gt; you
&gt; &gt; have and it didn't work, what messages do you get?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; There's a helpful guide to BOINC on <a>
&gt; href=""&gt;Paul
&gt; &gt; Buck's site</a> you may find helpful.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; Hi Thanks for your answer. Yes I tried that and the answer was that I was
&gt; already attached to the project. When senting a request to scheduler I also
&gt; get a 'succeeded' answer. I'll have a look at the help guide you gave and see
&gt; if anyone else has solved this problem.
&gt; Cheers.
As long as there is no work present from the project(s) try resetting it(them).

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Message 2660 - Posted: 2 Sep 2004, 8:59:53 UTC - in response to Message 2467.  

&gt; It sounds as though you may not have completed the set up sequence by
&gt; attaching to each project. Click <i>settings</i> in the BOINC window. If you
&gt; have and it didn't work, what messages do you get?
&gt; There's a helpful guide to BOINC on <a> href=""&gt;Paul
&gt; Buck's site</a> you may find helpful.
Hi, I've now connected to the project at least thats the messages I get but no WU's yet it just sits there with user active and no movment. I have sp2 installed and the fireall has bonic ticked as an excepton.
Very mysterious!

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Message 2695 - Posted: 2 Sep 2004, 11:38:28 UTC - in response to Message 2660.  

&gt; &gt; It sounds as though you may not have completed the set up sequence by
&gt; &gt; attaching to each project. Click <i>settings</i> in the BOINC window. If
&gt; you
&gt; &gt; have and it didn't work, what messages do you get?
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; There's a helpful guide to BOINC on <a>
&gt; href=""&gt;Paul
&gt; &gt; Buck's site</a> you may find helpful.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; Hi, I've now connected to the project at least thats the messages I get but no
&gt; WU's yet it just sits there with user active and no movment. I have sp2
&gt; installed and the fireall has bonic ticked as an excepton.
&gt; Very mysterious!
OK Iv'e now got it working by removing Seti then CP downloaded it's first workunit and it is going without any problem. I reconnected to Seti but Seti is still down. May be there is an issue between Seti&amp;CP working together, can anyone enlighten us??????
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Message 2798 - Posted: 3 Sep 2004, 5:24:17 UTC
Last modified: 3 Sep 2004, 5:27:17 UTC

Well that was short lived. Since running Climatepredictions my PC crashed 3 times. and had to go to safe mode for a reboot to the last good installation.
Now thats not good so I have detached from the project for now untill I find a solution.

I also run Seti and that runs ok when it's up and running that is. I don't get the same problem with it. I'll try again after some diagnostic tests on the ole' PC.

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Questions and Answers : Windows : Joined but no WU's
